Adobe CS5 3, Win, ES 65050842 ユーザーズマニュアル

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Adobe Soundbooth CS5 
What’s New
Top new features
• Improved multitrack editing and
viewing (Page 2)
• More royalty-free Soundbooth
Scores and sound effects (Page 3)
With Adobe Soundbooth CS5, you can:
Create soundtracks easily for Adobe Premiere Pro and Flash Professional projects. Create your 
own soundtrack by dragging and dropping royalty-free Soundbooth Scores and sound effects 
directly onto multiple tracks from the expanded selection of scores and effects in Resource 
. Polish scores and sound effects with professional processing and mastering tools.
Get professional-sounding mixes. Now you can handle large or complex multitrack projects 
easily in Multitrack View. Size tracks to keep your entire project in view. Split clips or copy and 
drag clips to different tracks. Automate volume settings. Optimize your soundtrack for your 
delivery medium.
Fix audio problems fast. Soundbooth makes it easy to detect automatically and fix common flaws 
such as hiss, hum, phase problems, crackling, and pops. Visually edit audio with familiar graphics 
editing tools in Spectral View. Match the volume of multiple clips of dialogue.
Who uses Adobe Soundbooth?
Video editors and other video professionals use Soundbooth for a variety of common audio 
tasks. With the benefits of a familiar timeline-based interface and tight integration with Adobe 
Premiere Pro, Soundbooth makes it easy for video editors to fix problematic production dialogue. 
Clearly labeled tasks facilitate such typical edits as removing various types of noise and matching 
unequal dialogue volume levels. 
Interactive designers use Soundbooth to record dialogue and voice-overs and add sound effects 
and music to rich media. Using the multitrack editor in Soundbooth and the ability to export cue 
markers FLV or XML files, designers can easily coordinate sound elements with a project. With its 
royalty-free sound effects and Soundbooth Scores, Soundbooth helps designers create and mix 
entire soundtracks, which can then be opened directly in Flash Professional.
Top new features of Adobe Soundbooth CS5
Improved multitrack editing
High-impact visual media depend on effective use of sound and music, and Soundbooth CS5 
makes it easy to place sonic elements precisely to create the perfect blend of dialogue, voice-
over, music, and sound effects. With the improved workflow in multitrack edit mode, you can 
mix and edit multitrack projects faster and with more control. For example, you can resize the 
tracks in Multitrack View to view entire multitrack projects at once or to zoom in on specific 
tracks. Split, move, and copy audio clips more easily with enhanced clip editing; these 
improvements let you align sound clips to specific points in a scene, duplicate clips within a 
track, or move clips between different tracks.
Complete your production toolset
Gain a complete video production
solution with Adobe Creative Suite 5
Production Premium software. Get
more creative power at an appealing
price. In addition to Soundbooth,
Production Premium offers the latest
versions of Adobe Premiere Pro,
Flash Professional, Flash Catalyst,
After Effects, Photoshop Extended,
Encore, OnLocation, and Illustrator.
Move up to Production Premium to:
Smoothly integrate Soundbooth 
audio editing with video.
Premiere Pro integrates smoothly
with Soundbooth, and can import
ASND audio directly from
Soundbooth with nondestructive
roundtrip editing. Improve the
accuracy of Speech Search in
Soundbooth by using Adobe Premiere
Pro to analyze reference dialogue or
to import an Adobe Story script.
Edit productions faster. Get native
64-bit performance in After Effects
and Photoshop Extended, and GPU
acceleration in Adobe Premiere Pro
and Photoshop Extended. Apply the
timesaving benefits of Soundbooth
and Production Premium to Final Cut
Pro and Avid Composer workflows
through roundtrip integration with
Adobe Premiere Pro.
Design interactive experiences.
Create engaging interactive media,
such as video portfolios, using
easy-to-use Flash Catalyst or with the
full power of Flash Professional,
which features close integration with
Soundbooth and other Production
Premium components.
For more information, see Adobe 
Creative Suite 5 Production Premium 
What’s New.
With the new 
global track-
resizing feature in 
Soundbooth CS5, 
you can view 
entire multitrack 
projects or zoom 
in on individual 
tracks for precise 
edits by clicking 
and dragging 
between tracks.
 Working with 
clips is also much 
easier, with 
enhanced drag-
and-copy and 
clip-splitting tools.
* See the last page for details and limitations related to all Adobe online services.