Dimension One Spas Sarena Bay ユーザーズマニュアル

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2003 Sarena Bay™ 
Export Owner’s Manual 
When the Jets 1&2 Button is pushed:  
•  The corresponding spa jet(s) pump is/are energized.  
•  The respective Status Indicator Light is illuminated,. 
•  The pump speed is indicated in the lower left corner of the Digital 
Display Window.  
•  A rotating swirl icon is displayed in the upper left corner of the Digital 
Display Window. The rotation speed of the swirl will vary according to 
the pump’s speed.  
The first time the Jets 1&2 Button is pushed, pump 1 starts on LOW speed. 
When the same button is pushed again, the pump will change to HIGH speed. 
The third time the same button is pushed the pump will turn off. 
Each time a Jets Button is pushed it activates a programmable, automatic shut-
off cycle. The default time is 30 minutes. A progress bar, indicating the time 
remaining before the pump will turn off, is displayed immediately following the 
pump speed message. The pump automatic shut-off cycle is programmed 
separately. All pumps are controlled by the same automatically shut-off cycle.   
JETS 1&2 Button 
The automatic shut-off cycles are a safety device that will reduce 
wear and tear on your equipment and reduce energy costs by 
ensuring that your pumps don’t run constantly.  
Additionally, this feature allows for convenient filtration immediately 
after use of the hot tub by letting you “push the Jets Button” as you 
leave to get an additional 30/45/60 minutes of filtering. 
Jet Pump 3 Button 
When the Jets 3 Button is pushed:  
•  The corresponding spa jet pump is energized.  
•  The respective Status Indicator Light is illuminated,. 
•  The pump speed is indicated in the lower left corner of the Digital 
Display Window.  
•  A rotating swirl icon is displayed in the upper left corner of the Digital 
Display Window. The rotation speed of the swirl will vary according to 
the pump’s speed.