Husqvarna 10527SBE ユーザーズマニュアル

ページ / 32
1.   Insert safety ignition key (packed separately in parts 
bag) into ignition slot until it clicks.  DO NOT turn the key.  
Keep the extra safety ignition key in a safe place.
2.    Place throttle control in FAST position.
3.    Rotate choke control to FULL position.
4.    Connect the power cord to the engine.
5.    Plug the other end of the power cord into a three-hole 
grounded 120 Volt A.C. receptacle.
6.    Push the primer three (3) times.
7.    Push starter button until engine starts.
IMPORTANT:  Do not crank engine more than fi ve con-
 tin u ous seconds between each time you try to start. Wait 
5 to 10 seconds between each attempt.
8.    When the engine starts, release the starter button and 
slowly move the choke control to the “OFF” position.
9.   Disconnect the power cord from the receptacle fi rst, 
then from the engine. 
Allow the engine to warm up for a few minutes.  Engine will 
not develop full power until it has reached normal operat-
ing temperature.
Follow the steps above, keeping the choke control in the 
OFF position.
1.   Insert safety ignition key (packed separately in parts 
bag) into ignition slot until it clicks.  DO NOT turn the key.  
Keep the extra safety ignition key in a safe place.
2.    Place throttle control in FAST position.
3.    Rotate choke control to FULL position.
4.   Push the primer four (4) times if the temperature is 
below 15°F, or two (2) times if temperature is between 
15° and 50°F.  If temperature is above 50°F, priming is 
not nec es sary.
NOTE:  Over priming may cause fl ooding, preventing the 
engine from starting. If you do fl ood the engine, wait a few 
minutes be fore at tempt ing to start and DO NOT push the 
5.    Pull recoil starter handle quickly. Do not allow starter 
rope to snap back.
6.   When the engine starts, release the recoil starter 
han dle and slowly move the choke control to the OFF 
Allow the engine to warm up for a few minutes.  Engine will 
not develop full power until it has reached normal operating 
Follow the steps above, keeping the choke in the OFF 
position.  DO NOT push the primer.
Run the engine for a few minutes to help dry off any mois-
ture on the engine.
To avoid possible freeze-up of the starter, proceed as fol-
1.    Connect the power cord to the engine.
2.    Plug the other end of the power cord into a three-hole 
grounded 120 Volt A.C. receptacle.
3.   While the engine is running, push starter button and 
spin the starter for several seconds.
NOTE:  The unusual sound made while starter is spinning 
will not harm the engine or starter.
4.   Disconnect the power cord from the receptacle fi rst, 
then from the engine. 
1.      While the engine is running, pull the recoil starter handle 
with rapid, full arm strokes three or four times.
NOTE:  The unusual sound made while pulling the recoil 
starter handle will not harm the engine or starter.
If the recoil starter has frozen and will not turn the engine, 
proceed as follows:
1.      Grasp the recoil starter handle and slowly pull as much 
rope out of the starter as possible.
2.    Release the recoil starter handle and let it snap back 
against the starter.
If the engine still fails to start, repeat the above steps or 
use the electric starter.
•     Always operate the snow thrower with the engine at 
full throttle. Full throttle offers the best performance.
•         Go slower in deep, freezing or heavy wet snow. Use the 
drive speed control, NOT the throttle, to adjust speed.
•      It is easier and more effi cient to remove snow im me -
di ate ly after it falls.
•      The best time to remove snow is the early morning. At 
this time the snow is usually dry and has not been ex-
posed to the direct sun and warming tem per a tures.
•     Slightly overlap each successive path to ensure all 
snow will be removed.
•      Throw snow downwind whenever possible.
•         Ad just the skid plates to proper height for current snow 
con di tions.  See “TO ADJUST SKID PLATES” in this 
section of this manual.
•      For extremely heavy snow, re duce the width of snow 
removal by over 
lap ping previous path and moving 
•      Keep engine clean and clear of snow during use. This 
will help air fl ow and extend engine life. 
•         After snow-throwing is completed, allow engine to run for 
a few minutes to melt snow and ice off the engine.
•     Clean the entire snow thrower thoroughly after each 
use and wipe dry so it is ready for next use.
WARNING:  Do not operate snow 
thrower if weather conditions im pair vis-
ibility.  Throwing snow dur ing a heavy, 
windy snowstorm can blind you and be 
hazardous to the safe operation of the 
snow thrower.