Roland FP-7 ユーザーズマニュアル

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The FP-7 features over 300 different internal sounds, allowing you to enjoy performing 
with sounds suitable for many different types of music.
These onboard sounds are called “Tones.” The Tones are divided into seven different 
groups, each of which is assigned to a different Tone button.
The Tone “Grand Piano 1” is selected when the instrument’s power is turned on.
When the [Registration] button is lit, Tone buttons ([1]–[7]) can be pressed to select registrations.
If you want to select a tone, press the [Registration] button to turn off its light.
Press a Tone button to select a tone group.
Try fingering the keyboard. You’ll hear a tone of the selected tone group.
The display will indicate the name and number of the currently selected tone.
Use the [-] [+] buttons to select a variation tone from the tone group.
The Tone you’ve selected is heard when you finger the keyboard.
The next time you select this Tone button, you’ll hear the tone you selected here.
Performing with a Variety of Sounds 35 ページ 2006年12月14日 木曜日 午前10時57分