Roland FR-5 ユーザーズマニュアル

ページ / 114
Editing sounds | 7. ORC CHD EDIT parameters
FR-7/FR-5 V-Accordion
(0~127 for all three) Use these 
parameters to set the Reverb, Chorus 
or Delay send level (how much effect 
should be applied to the Orchestra 
Chord section). The higher the value 
you set, the more the Orchestra sec-
tion will be processed by the effect in 
It works much the same way as a 
cathedral: the louder you sing, the 
more reverb (chorus or delay) you hear. In the case of 
the cathedral, singing louder means that you increase 
the effect send level, i.e. the level of the signal (your 
voice) that will be processed by the acoustic environ-
The other sections (Bass, Free Bass, etc.) have the same 
parameters, so that you can create a sound image with 
various “levels” (foreground, background).
This page contains a series of 
MIDI parameters for the Orches-
tra section you need to set one 
by one. See page 86 for details 
about the MIDI parameters. 
These parameters are saved along with all other Set 
parameters, which allows you to use different MIDI set-
tings for each Set.