Roland FR-7 ユーザーズマニュアル

ページ / 114
Editing sounds | 10. SYSTEM parameters
FR-7/FR-5 V-Accordion
This page contains several 
parameters that allow you to 
specify what the FR-7/FR-5 
should do when you switch it 
Be sure to first select the parameter you want to 
change and then set its value.
• If necessary, press the [DATA÷ENTER] knob to select 
“TYPE”, then rotate the [DATA÷ENTER] knob to choose 
the parameter you want to set. The possibilities are:
• Press the [DATA÷ENTER] knob to select the “ASSIGN” 
parameter, then rotate the [DATA÷ENTER] knob to 
select the desired setting.
Here comes a parameter that 
may prove invaluable if you reg-
ularly play with other V-Accor-
dion users. It allows you to enter 
a short message (your name, for 
example) that is displayed each time you switch the 
FR-7/FR-5 on. If you also own a cell phone, this param-
eter probably sounds familiar.
Here is what your message could look like (it is dis-
played during ±2 seconds each time the FR-7/FR-5 is 
switched on):
(Fixed Low, Fixed Med., Fixed 
High, Low, Medium, High, Fixed 
L+Bellows, Fixed M+Bellows, 
Fixed H+Bellows, Bellows, 
Default setting: Medium) This 
parameter allows you to specify the velocity sensitivity 
of the Treble keys when they are used to play the fol-
lowing orchestral sounds: AcPiano, AcGuitar, Mandolin.
There are three “Fixed” curves that always use the same 
value, no matter how hard or lightly you press the keys 
(no dynamic control). “Low” means that a low value is 
used, “Med” represents a medium value and “High” a 
high value. 
“Low” means that even relatively light key presses 
already allow you to play loud notes. “High” represents 
the most responsive velocity curve that requires a con-
siderable amount of strength for fortissimo notes, but it 
also provides more expressive options.
“Fixed L+Bellows” and “Fixed H+Bellows” mean that the 
selected orchestral sound uses fixed velocity values but 
can also be controlled by the bellows movements.
“Bellows” means that the selected orchestral sound is 
controlled by the bellows movements – not the velocity 
values generated by the keys.
Note: By selecting a “Fixed” option for “10.3 Bellows Curve” on 
p. 68, you effectively switch off the bellows sensor. This also 
means that any setting that includes “Bellows” no longer works, 
because the FR-7/FR-5 no longer “listens” to the bellows’ move-
ments. Moreover, “Fixed L+Bellows”, “Fixed M+Bellows”, or 
“Fixed H+Bellows” is deactivated altogether (even the “Fixed” part 
is ignored).
(Fixed Low, Fixed Med., Fixed 
High, Low, Medium, High, Fixed 
L+Bellows, Fixed M+Bellows. 
Fixed H+Bellows, Bellows, 
Default setting: Medium) This 
parameter allows you to specify the velocity sensitivity 
of the bass and chord buttons when they are used to 
play one of the following orchestral sounds: AcPiano, 
See above for an explanation of the various options.
Note: By selecting a “Fixed” option for “10.3 Bellows Curve” on 
p. 68, you effectively switch off the bellows sensor. This also 
means that any setting that includes “Bellows” no longer works, 
because the FR-7/FR-5 no longer “listens” to the bellows’ move-
ments. Moreover, “Fixed L+Bellows”, “Fixed M+Bellows”, or 
“Fixed H+Bellows” is deactivated altogether (even the “Fixed” part 
is ignored).
(Off, On, Default setting: Off) 
This parameter allows you to 
specify whether or not pressing 
the [DATA÷ENTER] knob while 
the Main page is displayed 
sends a MIDI Start message the first time, and a MIDI 
Stop message the second time.
This may come in handy when you use the FR-7/FR-5 
with a MIDI sequencer, a drum machine, or a module 
like the DisCover 5M. Note that this function is only 
available if you connect the FR-7/FR-5 to the FBC-7, 
and the FBC-7’s MIDI OUT port to the MIDI IN socket of 
your sequencer or module.
Here’s what happens if you select “On” and return to 
the Main page: the first time you press the 
[DATA÷ENTER] knob, the display briefly shows:
This means that a MIDI Start message was sent to the 
external sequencer, etc.
Allows you to specify which Set 
should be loaded at power-on.
Orchestral Link On, Off
Allow you to specify which Link 
function (see p. 46) should be acti-
vated at power-on: Orchestral Link, 
Orchestral Chord Link, Orchestra 
Free Bass Link, and/or Bass Link.
Bass Link
On, Off