Roland FR-7/FR-5 ユーザーズマニュアル

ページ / 94
 Miscellaneous functions
Saving settings using the WRITE function
While editing the MENU functions, you are usually asked whether you want to save the changes you have just made. You 
may remember that you also have the option (“NO”) to ignore that message, which may be useful if you are not sure yet 
whether the new version is actually better than the previous one.
• The WRITE function on the display page shown below 
only applies to the registers that you are cur-
rently using
. If you decided not to save the settings 
of the last Treble register you edited (for example), do 
not select another Treble register until you have 
made up your mind. Otherwise, your changes are lost 
(in which case the “Treble” field on the “WRITE” page 
shown below no longer has an “E” flag). 
In other words: you cannot edit register [1], not save 
it, then edit register [2], not save it, etc. In this exam-
ple, the changes made to register [1] are lost as soon 
as you select register [2] (i.e. even before actually start 
editing it).
The same applies to the Bass, Free Bass, Orchestra and 
Orchestra Bass sections.
• Bear in mind that Bass/Free Bass/Orchestra/Orchestra 
Bass registers are selected automatically when the 
Link function is on (page 42). Such a switch also 
erases changes to the previously selected registers if 
you decided not to save them when the FR-7/FR-5 
suggested doing so.
• The Bass and Free Bass sections cannot be used 
simultaneously. Switching to the other mode before 
saving the changes you may have made for the regis-
ter of the previous mode (Bass or Free Bass) also leads 
to those changes being lost.
(1) Press and hold the [MENU÷WRITE] button until the 
following page appears:
On this page, sections whose settings you changed 
without saving them are flagged with an “E” (for 
“edited”). The “E” flag only applies to the currently 
selected register (Treble, Bass/Free Bass, Orchestra or 
Orchestra Bass).
The section whose MENU parameter you changed 
last before selecting this page is already selected. In 
the above example, all sections have changed, while 
the last parameter you edited belongs to the TREBLE 
Note: If there are no “E” flags, there is nothing that needs to 
be saved. Consequently, you can leave this page by pressing 
[EXIT÷JUMP] again.
Note: To save the Global settings, skip to step (7), for the 
Orchestra, Orchestra Bass and Set Common parameters, skip to 
step (6).
(2) Rotate the [DATA÷ENTER] knob to select the section 
whose settings you want to save.
The possibilities are: 
■ Global—The 1. Tuning, 8. System and 10. MIDI settings.
■ Treble—The settings of the selected Treble register, i.e. 
the 2. Treble Edit group.
■ Bass—The 3. Bass Edit or 4. Free Bass Edit settings.
■ Set Com—The 7. Set Common settings.
■ Orchest—The 6. Orchestra Edit settings.
■ Orch Bs—The 5. ORC Bass Edit settings.
(3) Press the [DATA÷ENTER] knob to jump to a page 
where you can name your settings.
This functionality is only available for the following 
parameter groups: 2. Treble Edit, 3. Bass Edit and 4. 
Free Bass Edit. (See “7.7 Name” on p. 59 for how to 
name a Set.)
(*) Only one of these pages can be displayed. This depends 
on whether you are currently in Bass or Free Bass mode.
(4) If necessary, change the name of the register you 
have just edited. (This is only possible on the three 
pages shown above.)
See “Entering names” on p. 40 for details.
8. Miscellaneous functions
Important remarks