Roland JUPITER-80 ユーザーズマニュアル

ページ / 108
ying S
Editing S
ther C
ting O
Items to check
Overall problems
Power won’t turn on
Are the included AC adaptor and power cord correctly 
connected to an outlet and to the JUPITER-80?
Check that the power cord is connected correctly.
Do not use any AC adaptor or power cord other than the 
supplied items.
Doing so will cause malfunctions.
No sound
Have the connected amp or speakers been powered up?
Turn on the power of the connected amp or speakers.
Could the volume of a connected device have been lowered?
Adjust the volume of the connected equipment.
Could the [VOLUME] knob be set to the minimum level?
 Adjust the [VOLUME] knob.
Could the MASTER EQ’s Level setting be too low?
Check the MASTER EQ’s Level setting.
Are your amp, speakers, headphones, etc., connected correctly?
Correctly connect your amp, speakers, and headphones.
Can you connect headphones and hear sound through them?
If you hear sound through your headphones, it may be that there 
is a broken connection cable, or that your amp or mixer have 
malfunctioned. Check your connection cables and equipment 
once again.
Could you be using a connection cable that contains a resistor?
Use a connection cable that does not contain a resistor.
Problems with the Synthesizer sound
No sound
If pressing the keyboard does not produce sound, could the 
Local switch be turned off?
Turn the Local Switch setting on.
Could the level setting be too low?
Check the Registration level, Part level, and the level of the Live 
Set layer.
Are the effect settings correct?
Check the effect on/off settings. Also check settings such as the 
effect levels.
Could the volume have been lowered by a pedal operation, 
a D Beam controller operation, or a MIDI message (volume or 
expression) received from an external MIDI device?
Step on the pedal, move your hand above the D Beam controller, 
and check settings of the other controllers.
Could the PART [PERC]/[LOWER]/[UPPER]/[SOLO] buttons or 
layer buttons be turned off?
Turn on the [PERC]/[LOWER]/[UPPER]/[SOLO] buttons.
No sound from a specific 
range of keys
Could a key range be set?
If you don’t hear sound from a specific range of keys, check the 
key range settings.
Sound is distorted
Could you be applying an effect that intentionally distorts the 
If the sound of a specific Part or Live Set layer is distorted, lower 
the volume for that Part or Live Set layer.
Could the [VOLUME] knob be set too high?
If the overall sound is distorted, lower the [VOLUME] knob.
Could the Output Gain be raised excessively?
Check the system setting “SOUND”.
Pitch is wrong
Could the JUPITER-80’s tuning be incorrect?
Check the system setting “Master Tune”.
Could the pitch have been changed by a pedal operation or by 
a pitch bend message received from an external MIDI device?
Check the pedal and the pitch bender.
Could the Coarse Tune or Fine Tune parameters be set?
Check the Coarse Tune and Fine Tune settings.
Notes are broken off
Notes will be interrupted if more than 256 notes are sounded 
Reduce the number of layers in the Live Set you’re using. 
Increase the voice reserve setting for layers in which notes must 
not drop out.
Notes remain sounding 
when you play the 
Could the polarity of the hold pedal be reversed?
Check the system setting “Hold Pedal Polarity”.
Sound is still heard from 
the opposite side as well 
even when panned all the 
way to one side
Could effects be applied?
Since the JUPITER-80’s internal effects are stereo, applying 
an insert effect will allow effect sound to be heard from the 
opposite side even if the source sound is panned all the way to 
one side.
Notes played in a high 
register sound funny
When you play high notes on the JUPITER-80, you might hear 
notes that fail to sound, whose pitch fails to rise, or a noise that 
changes depending on the note you play (a warbling, chirping, 
rustling, beeping, etc.)
This is usually because you have exceeded the highest note 
that the JUPITER-80 is able to produce, and won’t occur with 
the notes you would normally use. This does not indicate a 
Changing the tempo does 
not affect the arpeggio 
tempo or delay time
Could the system setting “USB Song Sync Mode” have been set 
to “SLAVE”?
If “Sync Mode” is set to “SLAVE,” change the tempo of the external 
device that is transmitting MIDI clock data.