Roland C-200 ユーザーズマニュアル

ページ / 52
Additional Convenient Functionality <Advanced Operation>
If the file name with a number you selected already 
exists, the [STILL GEDACKT 8] tilt tab and the [STOP], 
[PLAY/PAUSE], and [REC] pistons start flashing. You 
can overwrite the “old” song on your USB memory by 
pressing [STILL GEDACKT 8] again.
To select a different number, enter it using the PEDAL 
and MANUAL I tilt tabs and press [STILL GEDACKT 8] 
Never remove the USB memory while the C-200 is sav-
ing data.
Use USB memory sold by Roland (M-UF-series). We can-
not guarantee operation if any other USB memory is 
You can play back the songs stored on an optional USB memory connected to the C-200. Given the possibility to work with 
external USB memories, you might be tempted to copy Standard MIDI Files to that device (using your computer, for instance) 
and play them back using the C-200. 
The C-200 does not conform to the GS standard or General MIDI format. Songs not specifically prepared with/for the C-200 may 
therefore use the wrong sounds.
While holding down the [Function] piston, press the 
[STOP/Song] tilt tab until the [STILL GEDACKT 8] 
(ENTER) tilt tab starts flashing.
You can also simply hold down the [PLAY/PAUSE] pis-
ton until the [STILL GEDACKT 8] (ENTER) tilt tab starts 
Enter a number between “01” and “99” using the 
PEDAL and MANUAL I tilt tabs.
See the numbers on the tilt tabs. (The [USER/ORCH] 
(“10”) tilt tab is used to enter the number “0”.)
Example: To enter “01”, press the [USER/ORCH] and 
[SUBBASS] tilt tabs. The [USER/ORCH] (“10”) and 
[SUBBASS] (“1”) tilt tabs flash sequentially to indicate 
that you have entered the value “01”.
Press the lower part of the [STILL GEDACKT 8] 
(ENTER) tilt tab to confirm your selection.
The song you selected is loaded, and the tilt tabs of the 
configuration used in that song light up.
If you select a song number that doesn’t exist on the USB 
memory, [STOP], [PLAY/PAUSE], and [REC] start flash-
ing. In that case, enter a different number and repeat step 
(3) above.
Press the [PLAY/PAUSE] piston to start playback.
The [PLAY/PAUSE] piston lights and playback starts.
Press [PLAY/PAUSE] again to temporarily halt 
playback (it flashes). Press it again to continue 
playback from that point.
Press [STOP] to stop playback and return to the 
beginning of the song.
Playing back songs on an optional USB memory
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