Siemens TC12 ユーザーズマニュアル

ページ / 201
TC12 Installation, Commissioning & Maintenance Handbook 
4.3.1 Introduction 
The TC12 Instation test set (part number 667/1/22702/000) is used to monitor and 
test the operation of the TC12 system. It can be used at all the TC12 baud rates 
and at any signal level between 0dBm and -63dBm. There is a pair of headphones 
that may be connected to the ITS to allow the user to listen to both control and 
reply messages. 
There are three modes of operation for the ITS; Monitor mode, Instation mode, 
Outstation mode. Whichever mode the ITS is operating in, the physical connection 
to the unit under test does not change. 
The Test Set can also be used as a handset for configuring OTUs and as a 
monitor for the Instation PC (for use during installation of the PC). 
4.3.2  Connection to Unit Under Test  Control and Reply Test Jacks 
The test set interfaces to the control and reply sockets on either a Modem PCB or 
OTU PCB. A cable is provided with a 15-way D-type at one end and two jack plugs 
at the other end. The D-type connects to the 'LINE INTERFACE' connector on the 
test set front panel. The jack plugs connect to the line jack sockets of the PCB 
under test. The control jack plug is marked with a white band. The reply jack plug 
is unmarked. The control sockets on the Modem and OTU PCBs have a white bar 
silk screened next to them to distinguish them from the reply socket.  Connection to the Modem PCB in the Instation 
System with Modem PCBs connected direct to MDF 
There are four modems on one Modem PCB. For each modem there is a control 
and reply jack socket. Modem 1 is connected to the top two sockets on the modem 
PCB, modem 2 to the next pair of sockets, etc. For each pair of sockets the top 
socket is the reply signal, and the bottom socket (with a white bar next to it) is the 
control signal. 
Radial System with Modem PCBs and Transformer PCBs 
Connection is made to the relevant modem PCB as described above. However 
each of the four modems on the modem PCB communicates with up to eight 
OTUs via the associated transformer PCB. Hence the signal at a control jack on 
the Modem PCB will be sent to up to eight OTUs simultaneously. The signal at a 
reply socket contains the reply from up to eight OTUs. 
Page 139 
Issue 9