Korg Electric Keyboard ユーザーズマニュアル

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3–2. BUS Select
This parameter enables you to specify the destination bus 
for the post-IFX signals.
L/R” is a common setting to send signals to the Master EQ 
before they are routed to the OUTPUT L/R outputs.
Select 12 or 1/2 to route the signals to AUDIO OUTPUT 
(INDIVIDUAL) 1 or 2 (☞p.162 “Individual Outputs”). Select 
Off” so that no signals will be output to L/MONO, R, 1 or 
2. In this case, the signals are routed from the Master Effects 
to AUDIO OUTPUT (MAIN). This setting is used when you 
are connecting the Insert Effect with the Master Effects in 
series using “S1 (Send1(MFX1))” and S2 (Send2(MFX2)).”
3–3. Send level
These parameters enable you to set the send level of the sig-
nals routed to Master Effects MFX1 and MFX2. These set-
tings are effective only when “BUS Select” is set to L/R or 
If you are not using insert effect, set the PROG 7.1–1 MFX 
Send “Send 1” and “Send 2” parameters, the COMBI 7.1–1 
“S1 (Send1(MFX1))” and “S2 (Send2(MFX2))” parameters, 
or the Sequencer mode SEQ 7.1–1/2, “S1 (Send1(MFX1))” 
and “S2 (Send2(MFX2))” parameter to set the send levels to 
master effects MFX1 and MFX2.
(If the separately sold EXB-SMPL option is installed, the 
send levels of the audio input in Program, Combination, and 
Sequencer modes are set by GLOBAL 1.1–4a/b.)
Send Level 1 can be controlled by MIDI Control Change 
CC#93 and Send Level 2 can be controlled by MIDI 
Control Change CC#91.
4. Controlling the Insert Effects via 
Using the Dynamic Modulation (Dmod) function enables 
you to control all effect parameters in real-time during per-
formance from the controllers of this instrument or a con-
nected MIDI sequencer. You can also control the “Pan 
,” “S1 (Send 1(MFX1)),” and “S2 (Send 2(MFX2))” of 
the post-IFX signals in the same way.
4–1. Program mode and Sampling mode (if the sep-
arately sold EXB-SMPL option is installed)
You can control the parameters on global MIDI channel 
(MIDI Channel” (GLOBAL 2.1–1a).
4–2. Combination mode
Use Setup page “Control Channel” to set up the control 
channel for IFX. Select an appropriate option from Ch01–16
, and All Rt.
Select one of these settings when you want to use a 
single channel for control. An asterisk “*” will be displayed 
at the right of the channel number of timbres routed to the 
insert effect.
 Selects this option if you wish to control the parame-
ters on global MIDI channel “MIDI Channel” (GLOBAL 2.1–
1a). This is a common setting.
All Rt.:
 Select this option to control the parameters on the 
channels (Ch01–16 that have a “*” mark) for the timbres that 
are routed to the corresponding Insert Effect.
4–3. Sequencer mode
Use Setup page “Control Channel” to set up the control 
channel for IFX. Select an appropriate option from Ch01–16 
and All Rt.
Select one of these settings when you want to use a 
single channel for control. An asterisk “*” will be displayed 
at the right of the channel number of timbres routed to the 
insert effect. This option is suitable if multiple tracks on dif-
ferent MIDI channels are sent to the Insert Effects and you 
wish to control the parameters using one of the tracks.
All Rt.: 
Selects this option to control the parameters on the 
channel numbers (Ch01–16 that have a “*” mark) for the 
tracks that are routed to the corresponding Insert Effect.
All Rt.” is a typical option. If you wish to control the 
parameters on a channel, select one from Ch01–16.
1. In/Out
The I/Os of Master Effects MFX1 and MFX2 are mono-in/
. “Send Level 1” and “Send Level 2” determine 
the send level to the Master Effects (☞“Routing” and 
“Mixer”). Stereo signals will be combined to a mono signal 
automatically and sent to the effects.
The Master Effects do not output any Dry signals (signals 
that are not processed by the effects). Therefore, they output 
only Wet (signals that are processed by the effects) signals 
(set via the “W/D” of the “MFX1” and “MFX2” page). The 
output signals from the Master Effects are routed to the L/R 
bus with the output level specified by “Rtn (Return1, 
Return2).” These output signals are mixed with the output 
signals from the bus specified by BUS page L/R, or with the 
output signals from the bus specified by “BUS Select” (Setup 
page in each mode) L/R, then routed to the Master EQ.
Selecting “00: No Effect” will mute the output. The pro-
cessed signal will be output in one of the following ways, 
according to the type of effects 01–89.
The possible routing of effect signal inputs and outputs is 
indicated in the upper left corner of the block diagram.
MFX1 and 2 are switched on/off by the “On/Off” parameter 
in the 7.2: Ed-MasterFX (or Master FX) Setup page “On/Off” 
of each mode. When off is selected, the output will be 
muted in the same way as for 00: No Effect.
Separately from this “On/Off” setting, MIDI control 
changes CC#94 (MFX1) and CC#95 (MFX2) can be 
received to turn each master effect off. A value of 0 is 
off, and a value of 1–127 restores the original setting. 
You can also use “FX SW” (GLOBAL 1.1–1b) to turn off 
MFX1 and MFX2 in the same way. This is controlled on 
the global MIDI channel “MIDI Channel” (GLOBAL 
Master Effects 
(MFX1, 2)
Stereo In - Stereo Out
Mono In - Mono Out
Mono In - Stereo Out