Korg Electric Keyboard ユーザーズマニュアル

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☞ For details on master effects, refer to p.155 “7. Effect 
7.2–1: Setup
Here you can select the master effect types, switch them on/
off, specify chain order, and set the master EQ.
7.2–1a: Master Effect Setup
The master effects do not output the direct sound (Dry). The 
return level (“Rtn 1, 2”) sends the effect sound (Wet) to the L 
and R bus, and this is mixed with the direct sound (“BUS 
Select” L/R: 7.1–1a, 7.1–2a).
The master effects are monaural input. The sound that is 
panned to L and R after passing through the oscillator and 
insert effect is mixed to a monaural signal as adjusted by the 
“S1 (Send1(MFX1))” and “S2 (Send2(MFX2))” levels, and 
input to the master effects.
The master effects are mono-in stereo-out. Even when 
a stereo-input type effect is selected, the input will be 
MFX1 On/Off, MFX2 On/Off
[Off, ON]
Switches master effect 1, 2 on/off. When off, the output will 
be muted. 
Separately from this setting, you can use CC#94 to switch 
master effect 1 on/off, CC#95 to switch master effect 2 
on/off. A value of 0 will be off, and a value of 1–127 will 
be the original setting. This is controlled on the global 
MIDI channel “MIDI Channel” (GLOBAL 2.1–1a).
Master Effect 1, 2
[00...89: name]
Indicates the effect type for master effect 1, 2. You can select 
from 89 types of effect: 01: St.Amp Sim–89: Reverb-Gate. If 
00: No Effect
 is selected, the output from the master effect 
will be muted.
Rtn 1, 2 (Return 1, 2)
Adjusts the return levels from the master effects to the L/R 
bus (main output L/MONO, R).
7.2–1b: Chain
MFX Chain
[Off, On]
On (checked):
  Chain (series connection) will be turned on 
for MFX1 and MFX2. (☞p.161)
Off (unchecked):
 MFX 1 and MFX2 are operating in parallel.
Direction (Chain Direction)
Specifies the direction of the connection when MFX1 and 
MFX2 are chained.
 Connect from MFX1 to MFX2.
 Connect from MFX2 to MFX1.
Signal (Chain Signal)
[L/R Mix, L Only, R Only]
When chain is On, this parameter specifies how the stereo 
output signal of the first master effect will be connected to 
the input (mono) of the next master effect.
L/R Mix:
 The stereo output L/R of the first master effect will 
be mixed before being input to the next master effect.
L Only, R Only:
 Only the left or right channel of the output 
will be input to the next master effect.
Level (Chain Level)
Sets the send level from the first master effect to the next 
master effect when chain is turned on.
7.2–1c: Master EQ Gain [dB]
Sets the amount of cut and boost for the three-band EQ 
located immediately before the AUDIO OUTPUT (MAIN 
OUT) L/MONO and R jacks. This is linked with the various 
“Gain” parameters of Master EQ (7.2–4).
The cutoff frequency for “Low,” “Mid” and “High” and the 
“Q” of “Mid” can be adjusted in the MEQ page. These set-
tings are in “dB” units.
 7.2–1d: UTILITY
☞ “Write Program” (1.1–1c)
Copy Master Effect
This command lets you copy any desired effect settings from 
Program, Combination, Song.
Select “Copy Master Effect” to access the dialog box.
In “From,” select the copy source mode, bank, and num-
You can use the Bank [A]–[GM] keys to select the bank.
Select the effect that you wish to copy. If you select MFX 
 or 2, “Rtn (Return)” (return level) will be copied at the 
same time. If you select Master EQ, only the master EQ 
settings will be copied. You can also copy from an insert 
effect. If you check “All,” all settings of the master effects 
and master EQ will be copied.
If you copy from an insert effect the result may not be 
identical, due to differences in routing and level set-
In “To,” select the copy destination master effect.
To execute the Copy Master Effect command, press the 
[F8] (“OK”) key. To cancel, press the [F7] (“Cancel”) key.
PROG 7.2: Ed–MasterFX