Motorola 6161252-00-01 ユーザーズマニュアル

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5-10  Administrator’s Handbook
Tunnels are normally initiated On Demand; however, you can disable this feature. When disabled, the 
tunnel must be manually established or may be scheduled using the scheduled connections feature. See 
You can specify the Idle Timeout (in seconds), an inactivity timer, whose expiration will terminate the 
tunnel. A value of zero disables the timer. Because tunnels are subject to abrupt termination when the 
underlying datalink is torn down, use of the Idle Timeout is strongly encouraged.
Return to the Connection Profile screen by pressing Escape.
Select IP Profile Parameters and press Return.
In the Profile Parameters screen, enter the Remote IP Address and Remote IP Mask for the host to which 
you want to tunnel. Press Escape to return to the Connection Profile screen. Select COMMIT and press 
Return. The tunnel Connection Profile will be activated.
About GRE Tunnels
Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) protocol is another form of tunneling that Motorola Netopia
suppor t. A GRE tunnel is brought up when a valid GRE profile is installed, and brought down when the profile is 
disabled, or deleted.
GRE tunnels are not connection-based, but rather are installed and simply wait for GRE packets. There is no 
special star tup initiation as with PPPoE or PPTP. GRE is best adapted to simple routing and/or tunneling, and is 
not for use with any sensitive data. GRE offers no encr yption; and authentication of data integrity is limited to 
checksum verification, if enabled.
To set up a GRE tunnel, you create a Connection Profile including the IP address and other relevant information 
for the remote par tner.
Add Connection