Motorola 6161252-00-01 ユーザーズマニュアル

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9-2  Administrator’s Handbook
General status
Current Date: The current date; this can be set with the Date and Time utility (see 
Default IP Gateway: The gateway’s default gateway, which may be either manually configured or learned via 
DHCP. This is the value you assigned in the Default IP Gateway field. If you are using the gateway’s defaults 
(DHCP and NAT) this value will be If you have assigned an IP address as your default gateway, it is 
shown here.
Primary DNS Server: If you are using the gateway’s defaults (DHCP and NAT) this value will be If you 
have assigned an IP address as your primar y default gateway, it is shown here.
Secondary DNS Server: If you are using the gateway’s defaults (DHCP and NAT) this value will be If you 
have assigned an IP address as a secondar y gateway, it is shown here.
Domain Name: The domain name you have assigned, typically the name of your ISP.
MAC Address: The Router’s hardware address, for those inter faces that suppor t DHCP.
IP Address: The Router’s IP address, entered in the IP Setup screen.
Current status
The current status section is a table showing the current status of the DSL connection. For example:
Profile Name: Lists the name of the connection profile being used, if any.
                                  Quick View             10/11/2006 07:31:26 AM
 Default IP Gateway:
 Primary DNS Server:           Gateway installed -- Backup
 Secondary DNS Server:           Domain Name:
 ----------------MAC Address--------IP Address-------Status-------------------- 
 Ethernet LAN:   00-00-c5-ff-70-00      100Mbps Full Duplex
 ATM ADSL WAN:  00-00-c5-ff-70-02
 USB LAN:        00-00-c5-9a-09-a9      Down
                             Current WAN Connection Status
 Profile Name----------Rate--%Use-Remote Address-----Est.-More Info------------
 ISP                   1536   10  IP      Lcl  NAT
 VPN QuickView
                                 LED Status
 -PWR---USB---DSL Link Activity--ETHERNET Activity Link--+--------LEDS---------
                                                         | '-'= Off 'G'= Green
   G     -       -       -                G         G    | 'R'= Red 'Y'= Yellow
                        Current WAN Connection Status
 Profile Name----------Rate--%Use-Remote Address-----Est.-More Info------------
 ISP                   1536   10  IP      Lcl  NAT