Motorola 6161252-00-01 ユーザーズマニュアル

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3-18  Administrator’s Handbook
Adding a RADIUS Profile
Authentication Profile – If you toggle 802.1x to Yes, this option displays. Select Authentication Profile and 
press Return.
If you have RADIUS ser ver profiles already defined, the pop-up menu allows you to select one for use with 
this VLAN. If none are defined, the pop-up menu offers the option to configure a RADIUS Profile.
Caution!If you enable 802.1x for a VLAN that includes a wireless SSID, you must access the Wireless LAN 
Configuration menu and set Enable Privacy to WPA-802.1x as well. See 
. If 
multiple SSIDs are split across several VLANs, the VLANs must either:
• all have 802.1x enabled with WPA-802.1x enabled in Wireless Privacy, or 
• have the VLANs set to 802.1x disabled and Wireless Privacy set to some other privacy setting. In that case 
Wireless Privacy can be any setting. Wireless does not currently suppor t separate privacy modes per SSID.
When enabling WPA-802.1x, wireless will default to the RADIUS configuration specified in Advanced Security 
Options (see 
), unless it is par t of a VLAN. If it is par t of a VLAN it 
will use the VLAN authentication profile's specified RADIUS ser ver.
Select Add RADIUS Profile and press Return.
The Add Ser ver Profile screen appears.
                                 Add VLAN...
         VLAN ID (1-4094):                  10
         VLAN Type...                       global
         VLAN Name:                         Network A
         VLAN Network:                      Primary LAN
                                          +----------Profile Name-----------+
         802.1x:                          +---------------------------------+
         Authentication Profile...        | <Add RADIUS Profile>            |
                                          |                                 |
         Once a VLAN has been successfully|                                 |
         "Add Port Interface" option of th|                                 |
         ADD VLAN                           CANCEL