Sony SAC7000 ユーザーズマニュアル

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Select the plug-ins that you want to add. There are three ways to add a plug-in to the chain: 
Double-click the plug-in. 
Drag the plug-in to the chain area. 
Select the plug-in and click the Add button. 
Rearrange the order of plug-ins as needed by dragging plug-ins to different locations in the chain or by selecting a plug-in and 
clicking the Shift Plug-In Left  (
)  and
 Shift Plug-In Right ( 
) buttons. 
Once you have added all of the plug-ins and specified the plug-in chain order, click on the OK button to close the Plug-In Chooser 
and return to the Audio Plug-In window. 
Adjust the settings for the effects. For more information about using specific plug-ins, click the Plug-In Help button ( 
•  You can save an effect’s parameters as a preset to be used in other projects. To save a preset, enter a name in the Preset box and click the 
Save Preset ( 
) button. 
•  You can also use the Insert FX control region in the Mixing Console window to add, remove, or configure track effects. For more 
Click the Close button (  ) to close the Audio Plug-In window.
You can use a track effect chain as a default for all new tracks you createFor more information, see 
Automating plug-in parameters 
You can automate the parameters of certain plug-ins by adding envelopes to the trackFor more information, see 
Arranging plug-in chain order 
The plug-ins are cumulative during playback. For example, when the track’s signal passes through the EQ, it carries the EQ’s settings as 
it passes through the compression plug-in, then the signal carries both those plug-in settings to the next plug-in. 
Because of this cumulative effect, you may need to arrange plug-ins in a certain order so that one plug-in’s processing does not 
adversely affect the next plug-in on the chain. There is no right or wrong way to order plug-ins, although some plug-ins work better 
when they follow another. However, the plug-in order in the chain is strictly based on your preferences and desired output. 
Click the Track FX button ( 
). The Audio Plug-In window appears. 
There are three ways to arrange plug-ins in your chain: 
Drag the plug-in to a new location in the chain. 
Right-click the plug-in and choose Move Left or Move Right from the shortcut menu. 
Click the plug-in and then click the Shift Plug-In Left  (
)  and
 Shift Plug-In Right ( 
) buttons. 
Click the Close button (  ) to close the Audio Plug-In window. 
Bypassing plug-ins in a chain 
You can bypass a plug-in without removing it from the chain by clearing the check box for the plug-in. Alternately, right-click the plug-
in and choose Bypass from the shortcut menu. 
 To bypass (or re-enable) all plug-ins in a chain, right-click the Track FX button ( 
) and choose Bypass All or Enable All