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TeraStation User Manual
Click [Modify 
Settings] to change 
Active Directory 
Domain Controller 
Enter [Active Directory Domain Controller Name] to use [Active Directory].
* You can enter up to 63 bytes(UTF-8).  Do not use multi-byte characters. 
* Alphanumeric characters, -(hyphen), and _(underscore) may be used.
* Do not use a symbol as the first character.
Enter the Administrator account username for [Administrator Name].
*  This must be entered if [NT Domain] or [Active Directory] is selected for 
[Authentication Method].
*  You can enter up to 256 bytes(UTF-8).  Do not use multi-byte characters. 
* Alphanumeric characters, -(hyphen), _(underscore),  and .(dot) may be used.
*  Do not use a symbol as the first character.
For Workgroup 
Select to access the TeraStation from a workgroup network.
[Delegate Authority to TeraStation] (recommended)
Only users that are registered in the TeraStation can access it.  Local users’ 
usernames and passwords must match the usernames and passwords of their 
Windows logins.
[Delegate Authority to External SMB Server]
Access to the TeraStation is controlled by an Authentication Server.  Microsoft 
networking knowledge is required to configure this.  Consult your network 
administrator for details.
[Use Windows Domain Controller as Authentication Server]
Users are verified by a Domain Controller, but the TeraStation does not join the 
*  If you specify the Windows Domain Controller as an external SMB authentication 
server, the workgroup name of the TeraStation and the domain name of the 
Windows Domain Controller must match.
[Automatic User Registration]
Select to add users allowed by the authentication server to the TeraStation’s 
authenticated user list .
Use automatic registration for a while to add users, then disable to limit users to 
those who accessed the shared folder during the authentication registration process.
[Enable Authentication Shared Folder]
Use the folder as an authentication test folder that can be accessed by users 
registered to the authentication server. 
Server Name or IP 
When [Delegate Authority to External SMB Server] is selected for [Authentication 
Method], specify the external server to be used for user authentication by its name 
or IP address. 
*  When connecting via AFP, FTP, FTPS, or SFTP, always use an IP address.   The server 
name may not work.
*  Always use the IP address when specifying a server that is not in the same subnet 
of the network as the TeraStation.