Siemens C79000-Z7076-C552-01 ユーザーズマニュアル

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New Functions in Version V4.02
Supplement to the STEP 7 User Manual V4.0
Improved Display and Print Functions
The changes to the display and print functions are listed below in detail, with a brief
description of how each function can be used.
Object names, for example, the
description of a CPU can be
stored in the programmable
Menu command Options 
Option “Save Object Names in the
Programmable Logic Controller.”
These object names are displayed when the
configuration is uploaded to the programming
device and during diagnosis (improved
Print preview possible
Menu command Station 
 Print Preview
Address list can be printed
Menu command View 
 Address Overview;
then click the “Print” button
Or, menu command Station 
 Print; then
select the “Address List” option.
Information on DDB files used is
also printed
When the station configuration is printed,
details relating to the DDB file for each of the
DP slaves are also printed; for example,
revision, revision number, DDB revision,
firmware release, hardware release.
Switching to Network Configuration
You can use the new menu command Options 
 Configure Network to switch to
the application for network and connection configurations.
Working with DDB Files
The original procedure for supplying STEP 7 with new device database (DDB) files
has been improved. You can now use the menu command Options 
 Install New
DDB Files and the subsequent dialog boxes to locate the DDB file you require.
Another new feature in STEP 7, version 4.02 and above, is that type files (DDB
files (.GSD)) and DP slave symbols (bitmaps) are now also stored in a project.
When you configure a new station, you can refer back to the type/DDB files and
symbols which were used to create another project (for example, on another
programming device). The new menu command Options 
 Import Station DDB
Files enables you to do this.
The menu command for updating the hardware catalog is now Options 
Catalog, rather than Options 
 Update DDB Files.