Citizen SR-270X ユーザーズマニュアル

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File name : HDB0R100721_English_text_100426.doc 
version : 10/04/26 
Memory calculation 
Memory variable 
The calculator has seven memory variables for repeated use -- A, B, 
C, D, M, X, Y. You can store a real number in any of the seven 
memory variables. See Example 5. 
•  [ 2nd ] [ STO ] + [ A ] ~ [ D ], [ M ], [ X ] ~ [ Y ] lets you store values 
to variables. 
•  [ RCL ] + [ A ] ~ [ D ], [ M ], [ X ] ~ [ Y ] recalls the value of the 
•  [ 0 ] [ 2nd ] [ STO ] + [ A ] ~ [ D ], [ M ], [ X ] ~ [ Y ] clears the 
content to a specified memory variable. 
•  [ ALPHA ] + " memory variable " lets you insert the applicable 
variables in a calculation. 
•  [ 2nd ] [ CLR ] [ 2 ] [ = ] clears all variables. 
Running memory 
You should keep the following rules in mind when using running 
memory. See Example 6. 
•  Press [ M+ ] to add a result to running memory and the " M " 
indicator appears when a number is stored in the memory. Press 
[ RCL ] [ M ] to recall the content of running memory.   
•  Recalling from running memory by pressing [ RCL ] [ M ] key does 
not affect its contents . 
•  Running memory is not available when you are in statistics mode. 
•  The memory variable M and running memory utilize the same 
memory area. 
•  In order to replace the content of the memory with the displayed 
number, please press [ 2nd ] [ STO ] [ M ] key.   
•  To clear the content of running memory, you can press [ 0 ] [ 2nd ] 
[ STO ] [ M ] in sequence. 
(Note) :  Besides pressing [ 2nd ] [ STO ] [ M ] key to store a value, 
you can also assign values to memory variable M by 
[ M+ ]. However, when [ 2nd ] [ STO ] [ M ] is used, 
previous memory contents stored in variable M are 
cleared and replaced with the newly assigned value. 
When [ M+ ] is used, values is added to present sum in 
Order of operations
Each calculation is performed from left to right and in the following 
order of precedence: 
1)  Expression inside parentheses. 
2)  Functions with parentheses: 
P R, R P 
sin, cos, tan, sin 
, cos 
, tan 
, sinh, cosh, tanh, sinh 
, tanh 
, 10 
 , e 
 , Abs, RND