Q-Logic 8200 ユーザーズマニュアル

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6–iSCSI Noninteractive Commands
-sbootcode (Set Secondary Boot Target Information)
SN0054667-00  C
(Set Secondary Boot Target Information)
To set the secondary boot target and LUN, issue the -sbootcode command as 
-sbootcode <hba_port_inst> <Boot Target> <Boot LUN>
Issuing this command saves the configuration data to an XML file portable to all 
platforms supported by iSCSI. This command is not active for PPC.
For primary boot code, see 
(Set Alternative Client ID)
To set the alternative client ID (seven characters maximum), issue the 
-sbootcodecid command as follows:
-sbootcodecid <hba_port_inst> <Alternative Client ID>
This command is not active for the PPC.
To return the SDM library return code, issue the -sdmrc command as follows:
-sdmrc [Simple_Pattern]
When [
simple pattern
is given, only the lines containing that string are 
To add a send target for discovery, issue the -stadd command as follows:
 <hba_port_inst> <ip address> [chapIndex] [<TGBCA> <value>]
Where <value> can be on or offon causes the send target login to require 
bidirectional CHAP.