Multi Tech Equipment MT5634ZBA-V-V92 ユーザーズマニュアル

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6   Callback Security
MultiModemZBA-V-V92 User Guide
To Turn Callback Security On and Off
Callback security must be turned on to enter many callback security commands.
Open a data communications program such as HyperTerminal or PhoneTools.
In the terminal window, type AT#S
xxxxxxxx, where xxxxxxxx is your password, and press
. The modem responds with 
OK if the setup password is correct, and ERROR if it is wrong.
Type one of the following commands:
To turn off callback security, type AT#CBS0 and press E
. Callers no longer need a
password to connect to the modem, the modem is unable to call them back, and the stored
dialing command locations 0–3 become available.
To turn on both local and remote callback security, type AT#CBS1 and press E
. With
local security turned on, you must enter the setup password before you can enter any AT
command except the ATATI
n, and AT#Sxxxxxxxx commands. For a description of remote
callback security, see the following paragraph.
To turn on remote callback security only, type AT#CBS2 and press E
. With remote
callback security turned on, each caller is asked to enter a password, is called back, and then
is asked to enter the password again before a connection can be made. Also, dialing
command locations 0–3, for use with the DS=
y dialing command, are replaced by callback
dialing command locations 0–29.
To temporarily disable callback security if the modem is set to #CBS1 or #CBS2 (for
instance, to call another modem), type AT#CBS3 and press E
. The modem returns to its
original setting when you issue the hangup command (+++ATH) or the modem is reset. Note
that if a remote modem breaks the connection, callback security remains disabled.
To Set the Parity of the Callback Security Messages
The parity of the modem’s password prompt and messages must match the parity of the computer
the modem is connected to.
Open a data communications program such as HyperTerminal or PhoneTools.
In the terminal window, type AT#S
xxxxxxxx, where xxxxxxxx is your password, and then press
. The modem responds with 
OK if the setup password is correct, and ERROR if it is wrong.
The default parity value for your modem is no parity (AT#CBP0). To change the modem’s prompt
messages to use even parity, type AT#CBP2 and press E
. For odd parity, type AT#CBP1
and press E
To store the new parity value, type AT&W,
 and press E