Multitech MT5634ZBA-GLOBAL ユーザーズマニュアル

ページ / 41
Chapter 6 – Callback Security 
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MT5634ZBA-Series User Guide (S000286G)                
Setting Callback Security Message Parity 
The modem’s parity must match the parity of the computer to which the modem is connected.  
1.  Open a data communications program such as HyperTerminal or PhoneTools. 
2.  In the terminal window, type AT#Sxxxxxxxx, where xxxxxxxx is your password. Press E
. The modem 
responds with OK if the setup password is correct and ERROR if it is wrong. 
3.  The modem’s parity default value is No parity (AT#CBP0). To change the modem’s default to use even parity, 
type AT#CBP2. Press E
. For odd parity, type AT#CBP1. Press E
4.  To store the new parity value, type AT&W. Press E
Assigning Callback Passwords and Phone 
1.  Open a data communications program such as HyperTerminal or PhoneTools. 
2.  In the terminal window, type AT#Sxxxxxxxx, where xxxxxxxx is your password. Press E
. The modem 
responds with OK if the setup password is correct and ERROR if it is wrong. 
3.  Enable callback security by typing AT#CBS1 or AT#CBS2 and pressing E
4.  To store a callback password for the first callback memory location, type AT#CBN0=xxxxxxxx, where xxxxxxxx 
is the first password. Press E
. The password must be unique, must be six to eight characters in length, and 
must not contain a + or - character.  The callback password is case sensitive. 
5.  To store a callback password for the second callback memory location, type AT#CBN1=xxxxxxxx, where 
xxxxxxxx is the second password. Press E
. Note that the memory location number in the command is 
incremented by one.  
6.  Repeat as many times as necessary, up to memory location 29, until all passwords are entered. 
7.  To store a callback phone number in the first memory location, type AT&Z0=[+][-]AT(DT or DP)xxxxxxxx[,???], 
where xxxxxxxx is the dialing string. Press E
. The phone number must be preceded by DT for tone dialing 
or DP for pulse dialing. The dialing string can also include other AT commands. 
Example: AT&Z0=+-ATM0DT5551212. Up to 35 characters can be used. The +, -, and ??? characters are 
+   Number entry. Enables a mobile caller to enter his current phone number for callback. 
-    Direct connection. Enables a caller to choose direct connection without being called back. 
,??? Extension entry. Must be used with the + command. Enables a caller to enter an extension number for      
callback. The number of ? characters must equal the number of digits in the extension. 
8.  To store a callback phone number in the second memory location, type AT&Z1=[+][-]AT(Dt or 
DP)xxxxxxxx[,???], where xxxxxxxx is the dialing string, and press E
. Note that the memory location 
number in the command is incremented by one. 
9.  Repeat, through memory location 29, until all dialing strings are entered. 
10.  To review your entries, type AT&V and press E
A form is provided on the last page of this chapter to help you plan or keep track of password and phone 
number assignments. 
Calling Procedures 
Use the following procedures to call a modem that has callback security enabled. Note that Autoanswer must be enabled 
on the calling modem (S0=1). 
Password-Only Callback 
Use this procedure when calling from a fixed location. 
1.  Using a data communications program such as HyperTerminal or PhoneTools, dial the number of the 
callback modem. 
2.  When the connection is established, the callback modem responds with the following message: 
3.  Type the password corresponding to the phone number for your modem. Press E
You have three 
attempts or one minute to enter a valid password. 
4.  If the password is valid, the following message appears, and the modems disconnect: 
OK Disconnecting