Motorola MT2090 ユーザーズマニュアル

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4 - 26 MT2070/MT2090 User Guide
Bluetooth Security
The device supports Bluetooth Authentication and Encryption. Authentication can be requested by either the 
remote device or the device. When Authentication is requested, the device uses its programmed PIN code to 
generate a link key. The device stores this link key upon pairing, so you do not have to re-enter the PIN code when 
moving in and out of range, switching profiles, or switching between devices (e.g., between the cradle and the 
Once Authentication is complete, either device may then negotiate to enable Encryption.
To force Authentication with a remote device (including the cradle), scan the Enable Authentication bar code 
below. To prevent the device from forcing Authentication, scan the Disable Authentication bar code below.
A remote device can still request Authentication.
Enable Authentication
*Disable Authentication