Quantum Audio STT2401A ユーザーズマニュアル

ページ / 137
ATAPI Interface 
Chapter 5 
Seagate Travan 40 Product Manual 
Page 75 
Command Specific Information: This field contains information that depends on 
the command that was last executed. Further meaning for this field is defined within 
the command description. 
Additional Sense Code & Qualifier: Specifies detailed information related to the 
additional Sense Code. If the error or exception condition is reportable by the device 
the value returned will be as specified. If the condition is not reportable by the device, 
a value of 00h is used. 
Field Replaceable Unit: The value of this field will be 0, indicating that no specific 
mechanism or unit has been identified to fail or that the data is not available. There 
are no FRUs in the drive. 
SKSV: The Sense Key Specific Valid bit of 1 indicates that the Sense Key Specific 
fields (bytes 0Fh, 10h & 11h) are valid. This bit is 0, not supported. 
The following fields are not cleared by a REQUEST SENSE command. 
CNI: Cartridge Not In Place. 
WP: Cartridge Write Protected. 
PEOM: Physical-End-of-Media—Indicates the position is past the Physical Early 
Warning hole on the tape. (Note that the EOM bit in byte 02h denotes the Logical 
Early Warning Point). 
UDE: Unrecoverable Data Error. 
BNL: Block Not Located. (Cleared by a successful MEDIA ACCESS command.) 
FIL: Filemark Detected (Same as FM). (Cleared by a successful MEDIA ACCESS 
NDT: No Data Detected. Same as Sense Key 8h. (Cleared by a successful MEDIA 
ACCESS command.) 
BOM: Physical Beginning-Of-Media (Beginning of Partition). 
BPE: Not applicable 
Data Error Counter: For write operations, this is the number of blocks since the 
start of the current write operation re-written because they were detected to be in 
error by the READ-WHILE-WRITE check. For read operations, this is the number of 
blocks recovered by ECC or read-retry since the tape was last at BOT. 
Buffer Overrun / Under-run Counter: For write operations, this is the number of 
times that the under-run logic was forced to rewrite a data block in and under-run 
condition. (An under-run can occur without tape reposition.) For read operations, this 
is the number of times a reposition cycle was required due to buffer overrun. 
Track Number: The track number that the read/write head is currently positioned to. 
Cartridge Type: The allowable cartridge types are listed below. 
Cartridge Type Codes