HP (Hewlett-Packard) HP Integrated Lights-Out ユーザーズマニュアル

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 User Guide Integrated Lights-Out 
Net::SSLeay::connect($ssl) and 
die_if_ssl_error("ERROR: ssl connect"); 
print STDERR 'SSL Connected '; 
print 'Using Cipher: ' . 
Net::SSLeay::get_cipher($ssl) if $debug; 
print STDERR "\n\n"; 
# usage: sendscript(host, script) 
sub sendscript($$) 
$ssl = openSSLconnection($host); 
# write header 
$n = Net::SSLeay::ssl_write_all($ssl, $script); 
$reply = ""; 
return $ssl; 
Sending the XML Header and Script Body 
After the connection is established, the first line of script sent must be an XML 
document header, which tells the device's HTTPS Web server that the following 
content is an XML script. The header must match the header used in the example 
exactly. After the header has been completely sent, the remainder of the script 
can be sent. In this example, the script is sent all at once. For example: 
# sends the xmlscript script to host, returns reply 
my $host = shift; 
my $script = shift; 
my ($ssl, $reply, $lastreply, $res, $n); 
$n = Net::SSLeay::ssl_write_all($ssl, '<?xml 
 rint "Wrote $n\n" if $debug; 
# write script 
print "Wrote $n\n$script\n" if $debug; 
$lastreply = ""; 