Mitsubishi Electronics Q64TCTTN ユーザーズマニュアル

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Simultaneous Temperature Rise Function
This function allows several loops to reach the set value (SV) at the same time. Simultaneous temperature rise can be 
performed on up to two groups separately by setting a group of the channels where temperature rises at the same 
time. This function is effective for controlled objects where the temperature rise should complete at the same time. 
Aligning the time for temperature rise completion enables an even control of temperature without partial burning or 
partial heat expansion. In addition, the channel reaching the set value (SV) first does not need to be kept warm at the 
set value (SV) until the last channel reaches, leading to energy saving.
The simultaneous temperature rise function used and not used in CH1
CH1 Set value (SV)
Arrival point
temperature rise)
Arrival point
(No simultaneous
temperature rise)
No simultaneous temperature rise
Simultaneous temperature rise
Useless energy
process value (PV)
CH2 Set value (SV)
CH3 Set value (SV)
CH4 Set value (SV)