Mitsubishi Electronics 13JW55 ユーザーズマニュアル

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•  Status after a project in a different format are opened 
When a project in a different format is opened, the project is in the uncompiled status. 
Compile all programs in the project before executing online operations such as writing data and 
When a compile error occurs, correct the corresponding program according to the programming 
2.15    Saving Projects in Different Format 
This section explains how to save a Simple project of GX Works2 in the GX 
Developer format. 
1) Click!
1) Click [Project] 
→ [Export to GX Developer 
Format File]. 
3) Click!
2) Select!
2)  The Export to GX Developer Format File 
dialog box is displayed. Specify the 
destination to save the project. 
3)  Enter a project name and click the   Save   
4)  The message on the left is displayed. Click 
Yes  button. 
5)  The project is saved in the GX Developer 