Motorola MPMC101 ユーザーズマニュアル

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Combined with a 32-bit/33-MHz PCI (Peripheral Component 
Interconnect) interface into local CPU memory, the adapters 
provide a total wide and fast pathway for data, which is especially 
important for servers, image processing, high-speed networks, and 
other high performance peripherals. They are designed to operate 
within the framework of todayÕs open systems architectures by 
providing physical and data-link services as defined by the ANSI 
X3.131 specifications for SCSI-2.
Product Features
The PCI and PMC Adapters are available with the following 
Compliant with PCI Local Bus, version 2.1
32-bit, zero wait state PCI DMA master
Up to 132 Mbps burst DMA rate
20 Mbps Fast and Wide SCSI-2
Differential or Single-ended SCSI-2 interfaces
Support for up to 30 devices from a single slot
64K EPROM for Network Boot or BIOS Firmware
The PCI and PMC Adapters are plug-and-play devices with 
systems that are compliant with the PCI Local Bus Revision 2.1 
specification. Systems that are not compliant may require manual 
configuration via a PCI Device Configuration menu in the BIOS. 
Refer to your host systemÕs documentation for PCI Device 