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Chapter 5 – URL Categorization  
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. RouteFinderVPN RF760/660/600VPN User Guide (PN S000323D) 
The URL Categories screen displays. You can use this screen to allow or block Web sites from users.  
Use the Allow and Filter buttons to move a URL Category from the URL Categories Allowed list to 
the URL Categories Filtered or from Filtered to Allowed.  
When you have established your filtered and allowed categories, click the Backup button to create a 
backup of your URL category database files.  
When you are finished organizing the categories, click the Back button to exit the screen.  
How to Test Web Sites for Blocking    
You can test specific Web sites to see if the URL has been blocked (use Get URL Category to perform this 
test) or submit a site to be blocked or unblocked by the SurfControl software, which sets up the categories 
stored in this software.  
How to Test the Filtering    
Type a URL in the http:// box and click the Go button. This will test the URL to see if it is allowed or 
 You can also test a site through your browser by entering a Web address that you feel should 
be blocked by the filter through one of the categories you had chosen or a category preset by the URL 
software. For instance, if you selected the Finance and Investment category to be filtered, try to 
. This site should be blocked. A message displays under the URL address 
stating the status of this Web site.   
 The sites listed in the Favorites box of the browser will not be blocked unless the cache is 
emptied in the browser. 
Establishing Filtering Rules for Networks and Hosts
Return to the Proxy > HTTP Proxy screen by clicking the Back button on the Proxy > HTTP Proxy > 
URL Categorization
Click the Edit button for Networks / Hosts to bypass URL Filtering. The Networks / Hosts to 
bypass URL Filtering 
screen displays. You can use this screen to allow or block Web sites from 
Networks / Hosts.
Click the Add button to move a network/host name into the Network/Hosts to Bypass URL Filtering 
If you decide that you do not want one or more of the networks/hosts bypassing the filter, select the 
name and click the Delete button. The name moves back into the Available Networks/Host box. 
Submitting a Site to SurfControl for Reconsideration 
Filtered categories are setup and controlled by the SurfControl software that is built into your RouteFinder 
VPN. There may be a category you would like to see added or deleted. You can submit sites to be blocked 
or unblocked. Click the words Click Here to open a proposal screen and send it to SurfControl.