Multi-Tech Systems 7500 ユーザーズマニュアル

ページ / 372
ION 7500 / ION 7600 User’s Guide
Internal Modem Connections
Chapter 5 - Features and Applications 
Page 135
The ModemGate Protocol
The ModemGate feature creates a communications connection between the 
telephone network and an RS-485 serial network of devices. When you specify the 
protocol for a meter’s COM port as M
, all data received by the meter’s 
internal modem is automatically transferred to the serial network. ModemGate is 
available on either COM1 and COM 2, but you cannot use the protocol on both 
ports simultaneously. 
ModemGate connections do not connect a workstation with ION Enterprise (or 
other master device) to the gateway meter’s COM1 or COM 2 port, but rather the 
gateway meter’s internal modem port (COM 3).
The example below illustrates how the ION Management Console’s Sites and 
Devices windows appear: 
Refer to the ION Meter as a ModemGate technical note for complete details on 
configuring your meter for ModemGate.
Meter with an internal 
modem on COM 3.
The serial network is 
connected to COM1.
Workstation with 
ION Enterprise 
and modem
Each device on the RS-485 loop, 
including the gateway meter’s internal 
modem, must have a unique Unit ID.
All serial devices must operate at the 
same baud rate as the gateway meter.
The Modem Site
The ION 7600 with
internal modem
The RS-485 device network 
connected to the meter with 
the internal modem. 
The same RS-485 serial 
protocol must be selected 
for connections to multiple 
devices along the same bus.