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Configuring ION Modules for Digital and Analog I/O
 ION 7500 / ION 7600 User’s Guide
Page 230
Digital and Analog I/O Technical Note
Configuring ION Modules for Digital and Analog I/O
Designer software lets you change the configuration of existing modules or create 
new modules. Below are general considerations for using Designer software:
When using Designer software for configuration, ensure Show Toolbox is 
selected from the Tools menu.
From the toolbox you can search for the module you want to create or modify 
and click on the icon.
Right-click on the module to display existing modules. If you want to edit an 
existing module, click on that module to jump to its location.
To create a new module, left-click its icon and drag it onto the workspace.
Right-click on the module icon to access setup registers. You can read the input 
or output register owners by Shift Left-clicking on the either side of the module.
Configuring modules for digital or analog I/O
Once you have connected the external I/O field equipment to the appropriate 
input or output ports, run Designer software, and open the meter template.
If required, create the appropriate module for each input or output port you are 
going to use.
Link the Source input of these modules to a value you want to reflect through the 
desired outputs, or configure the input Port setup register to match the input 
port you want to monitor.
Configure the settings of the controlling module to match your requirements. 
The various module settings for each module are found under the appropriate 
Module Settings heading.
These software modules have Port registers that allow you to specify which port 
handles the incoming or outgoing signals.
Assigning a port to a module
Locate the appropriate module in Designer.
Right-click the module to open the ION Module Setup.
Modify the Port setup register by picking from the enumerated list.
The enumerated list only 
shows those ports which have 
not already been assigned to 
another module.
Port DO4 has already been 
assigned to another module, 
so it is absent from the list.