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The Device Upgrader
 ION 7500 / ION 7600 User’s Guide
Page 360
Upgrading ION Device Firmware Technical Note
The Device Upgrader
ION Enterprise™
software includes a device upgrade utility named Device 
Upgrader, which you can use to upgrade each ION device in your system. With 
the Device Upgrade utility you can upgrade the firmware on a single ION device, 
or upgrade multiple ION devices of the same type in a single session. You access 
the Device Upgrader utility from the ION Management Console.
A Supervisor password authority (level 5) is required to upgrade ION devices.
The following instructions detail how to upgrade one or more devices of the same 
. If you need to upgrade devices that are different types, then you have to 
perform the following instructions for each device. For example, if you need to 
upgrade an ION 7330 meter and an ION 7330 Ethernet card, then you have to 
perform the following instructions once for the meter, and then again for the 
Ethernet card (or vice versa).
Before You Upgrade
Please read this section before you begin your upgrade. The recommendations 
presented here can help your device upgrading procedure.
Checking the Log Server before upgrading
Data stored in the meter's memory is lost during the firmware upgrade.  This 
includes waveforms, Min/Max values, and information stored in Data Recorder 
and Integrator modules. It is recommended that you ensure the Log Server is 
caught up (i.e. up to date) before you commence upgrading.
Ensuring the Log Server is caught up
Launch Vista and open a user diagram.
Click the Data Log Viewer for voltage or other parameter that updates quickly 
(e.g. every fifteen minutes).
Look at the timestamp column.
If the timestamp is current — the date is correct and the time is within the update 
period — then the Log Server is caught up.