Multi-Tech Systems MT3334HD8 ユーザーズマニュアル

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MT3334HD8 User Guide
CommPlete Communications Server
n = 0 or 1
Default: &A0
The &A command controls the MT3334HD8’s answerback feature. Answerbacks are used in some online
realty applications and elsewhere as a security measure. The &A command enables a modem to return a
message to an identification request from another computer. The default identification is MESSAGE
 disables the answerback feature.
 enables the modem to return a message to an inquiry.
Online Connection Commands
The following commands control the conditions of the online connection.
Auto Speed Detection
n = 0–3
Default: #A0
An MT3334HD8 modem can operate as a 33,600 bps, 28,800 bps, 19,200 bps, 14,400 bps, 9600 bps, 4800
bps, 2400 bps, or 300 bps modem. Use the #A command to select the speed that the modem uses for initial
handshaking and subsequent speed selection. The #A command does not control the originating rate of the
modem (that is done by the modem baud rate command $MB), but only the answer mode starting speed.
 causes the modem to start at maximum speed, with fallback to 31,200 to 28,800 to 26,400 to 24,000 to
21,600 to 19,200 to 16,800 to 14,400 to 12,000 to 9600 to 4800 to 2400 to 1200 to 300 bps.
 causes the modem to operate at maximum speed only.
 causes the modem to start at maximum speed, with decremental fallback to 4800 bps.
 causes the modem to start at 2400 bps in V.22bis mode, with fallback to 1200 to 300 bps.
Answer Tone
n = 0 or 1
Default: B0
The command selects the frequency the modem uses for its answer tone. (The answer tone is the tone a
modem receiving a call transmits to the modem that called it, thus initiating the handshake between the
two modems.) At higher speeds (2400 to 33,600 bps) there is no conflict, because all protocols use the Bell
frequency of 2225 Hz. However, the ITU-T specification for V.22 has an answer tone frequency of 2100 Hz.
This command is available only in International models.
 enables ITU-T frequencies including V.21 (300 bps) and V.23 (1200/75 bps).
 enables Bell frequencies including Bell 103 (300 bps).