Lucent Technologies 6000 ユーザーズマニュアル

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   Preliminary January 4, 2001   
MAX 6000/3000 Network Configuration Guide
Configuring Frame Relay
Configuring nailed bandwidth for Frame Relay
The logical interface is a PVC endpoint, which requires a DLCI. DLCIs uniquely identify the 
logical endpoints of a virtual circuit (a specific end device). Administrators obtain DLCIs from 
Frame Relay providers and assign them in Connection profiles or RADIUS user profiles.
Configuring nailed bandwidth for Frame Relay
Each Frame Relay interface in the MAX requires its own nailed bandwidth, which is similar to 
a dedicated leased line. 
If you configure the bandwidth on nailed T1, make sure that the number of channels 
the MAX uses for the link matches the number of channels used by the device at the other end 
of the link, and that only one line profile specifies the Nailed-Group number to be used by the 
Frame Relay datalink.
Following are some examples of relevant parameters, shown with sample settings:
Net/T1 > Line Config > Line 1 > Ch 2=Nailed
Net/T1 > Line Config > Line 1 > Ch 2 Prt/Grp=1
Net/E1 > Line Config > Line 1 > Ch 2=Nailed
Net/E1 > Line Config > Line 1 > Ch 2 Prt/Grp=1
Serial WAN > Mod Config > Nailed Grp=1
For more details about configuring T1, see the Installation and Basic Configuration Guide for 
your MAX.
Defining Frame Relay link operations
A Frame Relay profile defines datalink operations, including link management functions. The 
same settings can be specified in a RADIUS frdlink pseudo-user profile.
Link management settings are optional. It is possible to set up a Frame Relay interface 
and pass data across it without setting these parameters. However, link management 
parameters provide a mechanism for retrieving information about the status of the interface 
and its DLCIs. 
Ch N
Switched or Nailed channel usage. To configure nailed bandwidth 
on a channelized T1 or E1 card, set to Nailed 64-Channel (a clear-
channel 64K circuit). On unchannelized cards, this parameter does 
not apply.
Ch N Prt/Grp
Nailed Grp
A number from 1 to 1024, used to identify nailed bandwidth. 
Frame Relay profiles or RADIUS frdlink pseudo-user profiles 
specify this number to use the associated bandwidth.