Lucent Technologies 6000 ユーザーズマニュアル

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MAX 6000/3000 Network Configuration Guide
Configuring IP Routing
Configuring system-level routing policies
communicate with the server, you must set the Ethernet > Mod Config > SNTP Server > SNTP 
Enabled parameter to Yes. In addition, you set the Time Zone parameter to specify your time 
zone as an offset from Universal Time Coordinated (UTC). UTC is the same as Greenwich 
Mean Time (GMT). Specify the offset in hours, using a 24-hour clock. Because some time 
zones, such as Newfoundland, do not have an even hour boundary, the offset includes four 
digits and is stated in half-hour increments. For example, in Newfoundland the time is 1.5 
hours behind UTC and is represented as follows:
UTC -0130
For San Francisco, which is 8 hours behind UTC, the time would be:
UTC -0800
For Frankfurt, which is 1 hour ahead of UTC, the time would be:
UTC +0100
You can set the SNTP Host#N parameter to specify up to three server addresses. The MAX 
unit polls the configured SNTP server at 50-second intervals. The unit sends SNTP requests to 
the first address. It sends requests to the second only if the first is inaccessible, and to the third 
only if the second is inaccessible.
Telnet password
The Telnet password is required from all users attempting to access the MAX unit by Telnet. 
Users are allowed three tries to enter the correct password. If all three are unsuccessful, the 
connection attempt fails. Set the Ethernet > Mod Config > Telnet PW parameter to specify a 
password of 20 or fewer characters. If you leave the parameter blank, the MAX does not 
prompt users for the password.
Shared Connection profiles
You can configure a MAX unit to allow more than one incoming call to share the same 
Connection profile. In low-security situations, a shared Connection profile permits more than 
one dial-in user to share a name and password for accessing the local network. 
For routed IP callers, however, shared profiles must not result in two IP addresses reached 
through the same profile. Consequently, the single Connection profile must be configured so 
that either it does not assign an IP address or it specifies dynamic IP address assignment. When 
the shared profile uses dynamic address assignment, each call is a separate connection that 
shares the same name and password. The MAX assigns a separate IP address dynamically to 
each caller.
To specify that shared connections are permitted, set the Ethernet > Mod Config > Shared Prof 
parameter to Yes.
Dial-out routes in a redundant configuration
If you have another unit backing up the MAX unit in a redundant configuration on the same 
network, you can set the Ethernet > Mod Config > Adv Dialout Routes parameter to instruct 
the unit to stop advertising IP routes that use dial services if its trunks experience an alarm 
condition. Unless you specify otherwise, the unit continues to advertise its dial-out routes, 
which prevents the redundant unit from taking over the routing responsibility.