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Monitoring and Management Tools
SP Switch Router Adapter card maint commands
SP Switch Router Adapter Guide - 1.4 Update 2
 October 22, 1999   
[RX]         note, IF/ID may be '-1' to indicate all of the given 
[RX]          item while detail level is 0|1|2.
Please refer to the “IP Packet Filtering” chapter in the GRF Configuration and Management 
manual for a full discussion of the filtering command set. A few examples are shown here.
List the filters per media card - maint 50   
The filters are listed per interface:
GR 0> maint 50 gt000
[RX]   filterID     type   status  access
[RX]   00000022   ctable (loaded)    0002
You need the grfutil command to decipher the filterID value and get the filter name: 
# grfutil -f 22
  filterID  temp  BPF SPARC SSPARC C30 CTABLE fname
  00000022    No  Yes    No     No  No    Yes mail_server_allow
You see a message if no filters are found:
GR 0> maint 50
[RX] No filters found.
List where filters are assigned - maint 54
This command shows which logical interface numbers (
) have filter “ID 22” assigned:
GR 00> maint 54 22
[RX] vlif   BindID      state  location  filterID  action_cnt
[RX] 0000 00000040      FastOp     IPin       22          1
[RX] 0000 00000041      FastOp    IPout       22          1
[RX] 0001 00000042      FastOp     IPin       22          1
[RX] 0001 00000043      FastOp    IPout       22          1 
Configure UDP packet discards - maint 89 7 
The maint 89 7 command provides a way to drop certain packets such as HATS traffic that are 
known to be unnecessary. Minimizing unnecessary traffic to the SP Switch Router 
management system frees the router’s communication bus for other internal messaging. 
A site uses the command to specify that all UDP packets bound for a specified port are 
discarded. After the specified UDP port number is entered via maint 89 port_number, all 
UDP messages with source and destination ports set to port_number are discarded. 
This example discards HATS packets and shows how to specify the target UDP port of 10000 
on the SP Switch Router Adapter card in slot 13. The “port set” message confirms the setting:
# grrmb
GR 1> port 13
  Current port is 13.
GR 13> 
GR 13> maint 89 7 10000