Lucent Technologies 9077 04S ユーザーズマニュアル

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 October 22, 1999   
SP Switch Router Adapter Guide - 1.4 Update 2
Monitoring and Management Tools
SP Switch Router Adapter card maint commands
[RX] Switch Transmit Connection Rejects:      0
[RX] Switch Receive Encoding Errors:          0
[RX] Switch Receive Running Disparity Errors: 0
[RX] Switch Receive Receiver Errors:          0
[RX] Switch Receive Running Checksum Errors:  0
[RX] dont-free packets: 0
[RX] fifo-full packets: 0
maint 6 - display combus statistics
To look at information about the exchanges between the system software and the SP Switch 
Router Adapter card, enter maint 6 for the receive side and maint 106  for the transmit side.
GR 07> maint 6
[RX] Combus Status:
[RX]    Last interrupt status:           0x50502055
[RX] Combus Statistics:
[RX]    Message ready interrupts:             16153
[RX]    Truncated input messages:                 0
[RX]    Grit messages for TX-CPU:               155
[RX]    Ip messages Rcvd (non-bypass):            0
[RX]    Raw messages:                             0
[RX]    ISO messages:                             0
[RX]    Grid messages:                        15998
[RX]    Grid echo requests:                   15865
[RX]    Port available messages:                  0
[RX]    Segmented Packets:                        0
[RX]    Segments Sent:                            0
[RX] Combus Errors:
[RX]    Bus in timeouts:         0      Bus out timeouts:          0
[RX]    Out of buffer cond.:     0      Bad packet type:           0
[RX]    Dropped IP packets:      0      Bad packet dest:           0
[RX]    Receive Msg Errors:      0      Receive Format Errors:     0
[RX]    Receive Past End:        0      Received Long Message:     0
Filtering commands - maint 50-58, 150-58      
Odd-numbered commands 51–55 return information based on filter ID. Even-numbered 
commands 50–54 return information based on interface number. These are parameters added to 
some filter commands:
 is an optional parameter that specifies how much information is 
returned, useful levels are 0 and 1. 
 is an optional parameter that specifies the interface number.
is an optional parameter that specifies the filter ID randomly assigned by filterd.
[RX]  50:    Filtering filter list: [detail_level [ID]]
[RX]  51:    Filtering filter list: [detail_level [IF]]
[RX]  52:    Filtering action list: [detail_level [ID]]
[RX]  53:    Filtering action list: [detail_level [IF]]
[RX]  54:    Filtering binding list: [detail_level [ID]]
[RX]  55:    Filtering binding list: [detail_level [IF]]
[RX]  56:    Display filtering statistics: [IF#]
[RX]  57:    Reset filtering statistics: [IF#]
[RX]  58:    Show filter protocol statistics