Motorola PTP 600 Series ユーザーズマニュアル

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Spectrum Management Configuration 
The following section describes the user modifiable configuration accessible from the 
Spectrum Management webpage. It is recommended that the default values are maintained. 
If the user believes that the performance of the Spectrum Management algorithm requires 
some modifications this should only be done after consulting your Motorola Point-to-Point 
distributor or one of the system field support engineers. 
Refresh Page Period: The page refreshes automatically according to the setting entered 
here (in seconds).  
Hopping Margin: Spectrum Management uses this margin when making a channel hop 
decision. The target channel has to have an interference level 3 dB (default) better than the 
current active channel. 
Hopping Period: The Spectrum Management algorithm evaluates the  metrics every 
‘Hopping Period’ seconds (180 seconds by default) looking for a channel with lower levels of 
interference. If a better channel is located, Spectrum Management performs an automated 
channel hop. If SNMP or SMTP alerts are enabled an SNMP TRAP or an email alert is sent 
warning the system administrator of the channel change. 
Hopping Counter: is used to record the number of channel hops. The number in the  “(+)” 
brackets indicates the number of channel changes since the last screen refresh. 
Interference Threshold: Spectrum Management uses the interference threshold to perform 
instantaneous channel hops. If the measured interference on a channel exceeds the specified 
threshold, then iDFS will instruct the wireless to immediately move to a better channel. If a 
better channel cannot be found the 600 Series bridge will continue to use the current active 
channel. (Default –85 dBm) 
Asymmetric DFS:  The default configuration of symmetric operation constrains the link to 
operate symmetrically, using the same transmit and receive channels. When in symmetric 
mode the slave unit will always follow the master. If the master moves to a new channel the 
slave will hop to the same channel. When the Point-to-Point link is configured as an 
asymmetric link both the master and slave are free to select the best channel from their own 
set of local interference metrics.