MicroNet Technology SP5001/S ユーザーズマニュアル

ページ / 86
19.7.17  [phone] 
The progress tone of SP5001/S is configurable. Default tone value is set 
according to U.S. tone specification. Users may adjust the values according to 
their own country’s tone specification or users-defined tone specification. 
usr/config$ phone 
Phone ringing , ringback tone , busy tone , dial tone setting and notes 
phone [-ring [freq   ] [ringON  ] [ringOFF ] [ringLevel]] 
      [-rbt  [freqHi ] [freqLo  ] [freqHiLev] [freqLoLev] 
             [Tone1ON] [Tone1OFF] [Tone2ON  ] [Tone2OFF ]] 
      [-bt   [freqHi ] [freqLo  ] [freqHiLev] [freqLoLev] 
             [Tone1ON] [Tone1OFF] [Tone2ON  ] [Tone2OFF ]] 
      [-dt   [freqHi ] [freqLo  ] [freqHiLev] [freqLoLev] 
             [Tone1ON] [Tone1OFF] [Tone2ON  ] [Tone2OFF ]] 
      [-flash [freqLo ] [freqHi ]] 
      [-level [loopCurrentLevel] [onhookLineVoltageLevel ]] 
phone [-print [ring]|[rbt]|[bt]|[dt]|[flash]] 
      -print  Display phone ringing/tone configuration. 
              ring :   ringing 
              rbt  :   ringback tone 
              bt   :   busy tone 
              dt   :   dial tone 
              flash:   flash tone 
      -ring   ringing configuration set . 
      -rbt    ringback tone configuration set. 
      -bt     busy tone configuration set. 
      -dt     dial tone configuration set. 
      -flash  flash configuration set . 
      -level  Loop Current and On-Hook Line Voltage level set . 
      ringing frequency   : 15 ~ 100   (Unit : Hz) 
      ringing ring ON/OFF : 0  ~ 8000  (Unit : ms) 
      ringing level       : 0  ~ 94    (Unit : V) 
      tone    frequency   : 0  ~ 65535 (Unit : Hz) 
      tone    freqLevel   : 0  ~ 65535 (Unit : mVrms) 
      tone    Tone ON/OFF : 0  ~ 8000  (Unit : ms) 
      level   loopCurrent : 0  ~ 7     (20mA ~  41mA, Step :  3mA) 
      level   OnHookVol   : 0  ~ 63    (  0V ~ 94.5V, Step : 1.5V) 
      phone -print rbt 
      phone -ring 20 2000 4000 94 
      phone -rbt 480 440 125 105 2000 4000 2000 4000 
      phone -bt 620 480 125 105 500 500 500 500 
      phone -dt 440 350 96 96 8000 0 8000 0 
      phone -flash 400 800 
      phone -level 1 32 
Figure 64. phone command list