Motorola SM02-UG-en ユーザーズマニュアル

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•  Click “
Enable Aiming Mode
The module will now report back the level of RF energy present at that specific frequency.   To
refresh the screen, click the 
Enable Aiming Mode
 button as appropriate or configure the web page
auto-refresh option.
The normal operation of alignment mode will report information as it relates to the RSSI level, Jitter
value, and number of users on the access point module.  To utilize normal alignment mode, ensure
that the 
radio button is checked and then click 
Enable Aiming Mode 
button.   As with the
previous mode to refresh the mode either continue clicking the 
Enable Aiming Mode
 button or
configure the auto-refresh option.  Also, during normal alignment mode the LEDs on the outside of
the Canopy module will report back information on the performance of the link.  There are 6 LEDs
and when in alignment mode the LEDs are turned into a 6-position bar graph.  The more LEDs that
are lit, the better the RSSI and Jitter values the module is seeing.  The colors of the LEDS have no
particular meaning other than to assist is distinguishing one position from the next.
The minimum values that are needed for an acceptable link are RSSI this above 700, Jitter that is
between 5 and 9, and link efficiencies that are greater than 90% in both the up and down link. If
any one of these criteria are not met the link may still be operational but may have issues time to
If a Canopy module is placed into Alignment Mode it will automatically drop into Operational
Mode after 15 minutes
BER Display
Bit Error Rate (BER) Display is utilized by the operator to measure the amount bit errors present in
a link.  BER Display will only work if the access point module is configured to send the BER stream.
**IMPORTANT** If one access point module in a cluster is set to send a BER stream then all
other access point modules in that cluster must be configured in the same fashion.
The field, Measured Bit Error Rate, will display a value that corresponds to the BER at the moment