Motorola 3352N ユーザーズマニュアル

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What’s New in 7.7.4
New in Motorola Netopia® Embedded Software Version 7.7.4 are the following features:
Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) Version 3 suppor t. 
TR-101 Suppor t:
• Concurrent suppor t for PPPoE and IPoE connections on the WAN. 
• Multiple LAN IP Subnet suppor t. See 
• Additional DHCP range suppor t. These ranges are associated with the additional 
   LAN subnets on a 1-to-1 basis.
• DHCP option filtering suppor t. Allows DHCP option data to be used to determine the
   desired DHCP address range. See 
• Suppor t for additional WAN settings to control multicast for warding as well as if
 is used as the source address for IGMP packets. 
• Suppor t for “unnumbered” inter faces. For IP inter faces, this allows the address to be
   set to 
 and the DHCP client also to be disabled. See 
Wireless Multimedia Mode (WMM) suppor t. See 
Firewall: ClearSailing is automatically enabled on all 2200-Series ADSL2+ platforms. (Explicit excep-
tions: bonded and VDSL2, 3341, and 3387WG.) See 
TR-069 Remote device management is automatically enabled by default for 2200-Series Gateways. 
(Explicit exceptions: bonded and VDSL2, 3341, 3387WG). See 
Voice-over-IP (VoIP) Suppor t using Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) for suppor ted models. See 
Suppor t of VLAN ID 0 on the Ethernet WAN and suppor t for setting p-bits on a segment/por t basis; inter-
VLAN groups. See 
Backup IP Gateway Suppor t. See 
Corresponding commands have been added to the Command Line Inter face (CLI). See 
Reset WAN por t and wireless counter and CLI command to display individual Ethernet por t statistics. 
CLI for Motorola Netopia® ATA Remote Management. 