Netopia R2121 ユーザーズマニュアル

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AppleTalk Setup   12-7
EtherTalk Phase II por t is visible to other AppleTalk nodes. The default zone is also where new AppleTalk 
nodes will appear. If you do not set a default zone, the first zone you create will be the default zone.
You can also set the range of EtherTalk Phase II network numbers. Select Net Low and enter the lower limit 
of the network number range. Select Net High and enter the upper limit of the range.
Select the Seeding pop-up menu and choose the seeding method for the Netopia R2121 to use (see 
You have finished configuring EtherTalk Phase II.
LocalTalk Setup 
Note: For instructions on making the physical connections for LocalTalk, see 
Select LocalTalk Setup in the AppleTalk Setup screen and press Return to the LocalTalk Routing Setup screen.
If you are using LocalTalk with the Netopia R2121, select LocalTalk Enabled and make sure LocalTalk is 
set to On, which is the default.
Note: Since the LocalTalk connector attaches to the Auxiliar y por t on the router, that por t will no longer be 
available for a third external modem.
Select LocalTalk Zone Name and enter a new or existing zone name.
Note: Your LocalTalk network may already have a zone and network number in place. For the Netopia 
R2121’s LocalTalk por t to be par t of your LocalTalk network, it must have a network number and zone 
name that matches the values in use on the LocalTalk network.
If another router is already present on the LocalTalk network that you will be connecting to the Netopia 
R2121, use the zone name and network number used by that router for that LocalTalk network. Other wise, 
your LocalTalk network may experience routing conflicts.
                                 LocalTalk Setup
         LocalTalk Enabled:                 On
         LocalTalk Zone Name:               Unnamed
         LocalTalk Net Number:              33126
         Seeding...                         Soft-Seeding
Use this screen to set up the LocalTalk Port Routing attributes.