National Instruments BridgeVIEW ユーザーズマニュアル

ページ / 455
Appendix A
HMI Function Reference
© National Instruments Corporation
Alarm Message determines whether to display the 
user-configured alarm message. This applies to discrete tags only.
color codes is a cluster of parameters that determine the colors for the 
messages in the Alarm Summary Display.
event determines the color for events. The Alarm Summary 
Display does not include events. 
ack alarm determines the color for acknowledged alarms.
unack alarm determines the color for unacknowledged alarms.
normal determines the color for tags that are currently in normal 
state, but have an unacknowledged alarm. 
buffer size determines the number of entries to be displayed in the alarm 
summary display. The default setting is 10.
initialize headers is TRUE when the summary data has been read for the 
first time, indicating that column headers should be updated.
column headers represents the information displayed in the alarm 
summary. Wire this output to the Column Headers[] attribute of the Alarm 
Summary Display in your HMI.
summary data lists the alarms that currently exist is the system and have 
been filtered with the user specified priority and filter parameters.
row colors is an array of colors for the alarms displayed. Wire this output 
to the Cell FG Color attribute of the Alarm Summary Display in your HMI.
alarm summary status contains information about the alarms currently in 
the BridgeVIEW system.
# active alarms is the number of alarms currently in the 
BridgeVIEW system.
any alarm? indicates any tag in the system that is in alarm, 
irrespective of its acknowledgement status.
# unack alarms is the number of unacknowledged alarms in the 
any unack alarm? indicates any tag in the system that is in alarm 
and unacknowledged.
error indicates that an error occurred when executing the Read Alarm 
Summary VI. It was probably a problem with the group/tag names.