GE GFK-1004B ユーザーズマニュアル

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TCP/IP Ethernet Communications  User’s Manual – January 1996
LOGOUT Command
The LOGOUT command has the form:
This command causes the secure login to be terminated.  Any Modify commands en-
tered after the logout will receive an error message.  Logging out causes the login time-
out value to return to 10 minutes.  A typical LOGOUT command is shown below:
= logout
Logged out
LTIME Command
The LTIME command has the form:
This command causes the current login timeout value to be displayed.  A typical LTIME
command is shown below:
> ltime
Login timeout = 10 min
The login timeout value can be changed using the CHLTIME command.
NET Command
The NET command has the form:
NET { ON | OFF }
This command causes the MAC to either ignore incoming Ethernet frames (when NET
OFF is specified) or to accept incoming Ethernet frames (when NET ON is specified).
This can be used to remove stations from the network without the need to physically
disconnect them or restart the hardware.
A typical NET OFF command is shown below:
= net off
Interface off network
If the “lanonline” Soft Switch is set to NO, this command has no effect.