Sybase R/3 ユーザーズマニュアル

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Preparing for Upgrade 
Adapter for SAP R/3
Preparing for Upgrade
Existing database refers to the database you are currently using.
Target database refers to the database you will use with Adapter for SAP R/3 
version 3.9.
Before migrating formats and rules from an existing database to your target 
database, verify the following:
Existing database contains valid rules and formats.
Integration Server is installed.
Target database and temporary database are instantiated, contain no data, 
and allows sufficient space for rules and formats.
Adapter for SAP R/3 version 3.9 is installed.
When upgrading formats and rules to a target database, you 
must have three separate database instances: your existing database, a 
temporary database, and your target database. Do not attempt to rebuild 
your current database after exporting all the data.
Upgrading from Version 3.0.3 to Version 3.9
Upgrading from Adapter for SAP R/3 version 3.0.3 to version 3.9 consists of 
the following steps:
Transfer user-specific configuration information from the version 3.0.3 
configuration files to version 3.9 configuration files.
You can do this manually using the sample configuration files in the SAP-
3_9/CFG folder or using the GUI. See “Changes to Configuration Keys” 
on page 3 fo
r a table of changes to configuration keys between versions.
Reload BAPI formats using Adapter for SAP R/3 version 3.9. You must 
crate new rules for these formats.
Migrate IDoc formats using the procedure described in “Converting IDoc 
Formats” on page 5.