HP (Hewlett-Packard) vl420 ユーザーズマニュアル

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HP Hardware Diagnostics
HP Hardware Diagnostics
HP Hardware Diagnostics
You are requested to run e-DiagTools before contacting HP for warranty service. This is to obtain 
information that will be requested by a support agent.
Most HP PC models include hardware diagnostic software called either HP 
Diagtools or HP e-Diagtools. The software can be used to diagnose 
hardware related problems on your PC. This diagnostic software is 
generally present on the HP Utility Partition of the hard disk. Do NOT 
delete the HP Utility Partition. For more information about this utility, 
refer to the e-Diagtools User's Guide, available on the HP support web.
Where Can I Get e-DiagTools?
HP e-DiagTools is supplied on the following media (depending on your 
The Utility Partition pre-installed on your hard drive (recommended)
The HP PC Image Engineer - Image Library and Diagnostics 
System CD-ROM 
that came with your PC
The HP DiagTools CD available from HP’s Support web site: 
The HP Diagtools CD-ROM for Linux HP PCs.
Starting e-DiagTools from the Utility Partition on your Hard Drive
This method will only work if the diagnostics partition on your hard disk drive is intact.
Restart your PC and, depending on your model:
press the function key F10 when you see the message Press F10 
to enter HP Utility Partition or any other key to 
press function key F8, then select Diagnostics.
In the e-Diagtools main menu, select the option to run e-DiagTools 
hardware diagnostics.
Starting e-DiagTools from the CD-ROM 
To start e-DiagTools from the CD-ROM:
Select CD-ROM as the primary boot device.
Insert the CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive and restart your computer.
Select the system to run e-Diag-Tools hardware diagnostics.
If you are unable to boot from your CD-ROM drive, restart your PC and enter HP’s Setup program 
by pressing F2 or F8 followed by F2 (depending on your model). Check the Boot device settings 
to ensure that your PC can boot from the CD-ROM.
QUG-us.book  Page 13  Friday, February 1, 2002  2:57 PM