Cisco Systems 3560 ユーザーズマニュアル

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Catalyst 3560 Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 9      Configuring Switch-Based Authentication
Configuring the Switch for Secure Socket Layer HTTP
Use the no ip http server global configuration command to disable the standard HTTP server. Use the 
no ip http secure-server global configuration command to disable the secure HTTP server. Use the no 
ip http secure-port 
and the no ip http secure-ciphersuite global configuration commands to return to 
the default settings. Use the no ip http secure-client-auth global configuration command to remove the 
requirement for client authentication.
To verify the secure HTTP connection by using a Web browser, enter https://URL, where the URL is the 
IP address or hostname of the server switch. If you configure a port other than the default port, you must 
also specify the port number after the URL. For example:
Configuring the Secure HTTP Client
The standard HTTP client and secure HTTP client are always enabled. A certificate authority is required 
for secure HTTP client certification. This procedure assumes that you have previously configured a CA 
trustpoint on the switch. If a CA trustpoint is not configured and the remote HTTPS server requires client 
authentication, connections to the secure HTTP client fail.
Step 8
ip http path path-name
(Optional) Set a base HTTP path for HTML files. The path specifies the 
location of the HTTP server files on the local system (usually located in 
system flash memory).
Step 9
ip http access-class access-list-number
(Optional) Specify an access list to use to allow access to the HTTP 
Step 10
ip http max-connections value
(Optional) Set the maximum number of concurrent connections that are 
allowed to the HTTP server. The range is 1 to 16; the default value is 5.
Step 11
ip http timeout-policy idle seconds life 
seconds requests value
(Optional) Specify how long a connection to the HTTP server can remain 
open under the defined circumstances:
idle—the maximum time period when no data is received or response 
data cannot be sent. The range is 1 to 600 seconds. The default is 
180 seconds (3 minutes).
life—the maximum time period from the time that the connection is 
established. The range is 1 to 86400 seconds (24 hours). The default 
is 180 seconds.
requests—the maximum number of requests processed on a 
persistent connection. The maximum value is 86400. The default is 1.
Step 12
Return to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 13
show ip http server secure status
Display the status of the HTTP secure server to verify the configuration.
Step 14
copy running-config startup-config
(Optional) Save your entries in the configuration file.