VBrick Systems ETV v3.1 ユーザーズマニュアル

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© 2005 VBrick Systems, Inc.
Emergency Broadcast
These pages are used to create emergency broadcast templates that Portal Server users can 
subsequently use to launch an emergency broadcast. An emergency broadcast is a schedule 
that can be executed by Portal Server users with appropriate permissions. This schedule 
broadcasts a live or stored video to specified VBricks or STBs in case of an emergency. The 
schedule is executed instantly, for a specified duration or indefinitely. When done (or manually 
stopped) all preempted schedules automatically resume.
An emergency broadcast template pre-defines all parameters for the broadcast so that it can 
be launched immediately; it pre-empts all other broadcasts. Very simply, you define the source 
stream (live or stored) and the downstream targets (VBricks or STBs) and then save the 
template for future use.
To add an Emergency Broadcast Template:
1. Go to 
Global Settings > Emergency Broadcast
. This page shows a list of previously 
defined templates (if any).
2. Select 
Add Template
 and click 
 to display the following window.
Live and stored broadcasts, in this context, refer to content that is being streamed 
over your IP multicast-enabled network. This does not mean there is IP 
broadcasting to your entire network.