Nortel Networks 555-4001-135 ユーザーズマニュアル

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26   Product description
553-3001-358/555-4001-135   Standard   02.00   July 2006  
result during power up or card insertion into an operating system. This 
LED indicates the following:
The LED is lit when the ICB card is disabled.
The LED is off when the ICB card is enabled and ready for use.
The LED blinks three times, runs software from the PCMCIA, then 
blinks three times again and stays on. The LED remains on until the 
software is enabled when the ICB card successfully completes the 
PCMCIA activity indicator LEDs – These LEDs are next to the 
PCMCIA slots and indicate the following:
The LED is lit when the PCMCIA card is disabled.
The LED is off when the PCMCIA card is enabled and ready for use.
The LED blinks when the PCMCIA card is in use.
Type II/III PCMCIA slots – The ICB faceplate provides two Type II/III 
PCMCIA card slots. These slots house the PCMCIA cards. Install the 
PCMCIA hard drive card that stores voice files, application scripts, and 
MPU and DSP firmware in the lower slot. Use the upper slot for 
upgrading the firmware, and backing up and restoring customer data.
External equipment
VT100 type terminal
Use a VT100 terminal for initial card configuration. After initial card 
configuration, use the BUI to perform operations, administration and 
maintenance (OA&M). Connect the terminal to the ICB RS-232 
interface using one of the following methods:
Direct connections:
— directly to the IPE module I/O panel 
— directly to the DB-9 connector on the NT5D52 Ethernet Adapter 
card installed on the I/O panel
Remote connections:
— to the IPE module I/O panel through a modem connection
The terminal interface must be set at 9600 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, 
and no parity. The flow control is hard wired (do not use XON/XOFF 
flow control).