Multi-Tech Systems MVP210/410/810-SS ユーザーズマニュアル

ページ / 144
Chapter 4: Configuring your VOIP 
Supplementary Services Parameter Definitions  
Field Name 
Values Description
Select Channel 
1-2 (210); 
1-4 (410); 
1-8 (810) 
The channel to be configured is selected here. 
Call Transfer Enable  Y/N 
Select to enable the Call Transfer function in the VOIP unit. 
This is a “blind” transfer and the sequence of events is as follows: 
Callers A and B are having a conversation. 
Caller A wants to put B into contact with C. 
Caller A dials call transfer sequence. 
Caller A hears dial tone and dials number for caller C. 
Caller A gets disconnected while Caller B gets connected to caller C.  
A brief musical jingle is played for the caller on hold.  
Transfer Sequence  
Any phone keypad 
The numbers and/or symbols that the caller must press on the phone 
keypad to initiate a call transfer. 
The call-transfer sequence can be 1 to 4 characters in length using 
any combination of digits or characters (* or #). 
The sequences for call transfer, call hold, and call waiting can be 
from 1 to 4 digits in length consisting of any combination of digits 
Call Hold Enable 
Select to enable Call Hold function in VOIP unit. 
Call Hold allows one party to maintain an idle (non-talking) connection 
with another party while receiving another call (Call Waiting), while 
initiating another call (Call Transfer), or while performing some other 
call management function. 
Hold Sequence 
phone keypad 
The numbers and/or symbols that the caller must press on the phone 
keypad to initiate a call hold. 
The call-hold sequence can be 1 to 4 characters in length using any 
combination of digits or characters (* or #). 
Call Waiting Enable 
Select to enable Call Waiting function in VOIP unit. 
Retrieve Sequence 
Phone keypad 
characters, two 
characters in length 
The numbers and/or symbols that the caller must press on the phone 
keypad to initiate retrieval of a waiting call. 
The call-waiting retrieval sequence can be 1 to 4 characters in length 
using any combination of digits or characters (* or #). 
This is the phone keypad sequence that a user must press to retrieve 
a waiting call.  Customize-able.  Sequence should be distinct from 
sequence that might be used to retrieve a waiting call via the PBX or 
Call Name 
Identification Enable 
Enables CNI function.  Call Name Identification is not the same as Caller ID.  When enabled 
on a given VOIP unit currently being controlled by the MultiVOIP interface (the ‘home VOIP’), 
Call Name Identification sends an identifier and status information to the administrator of the 
remote VOIP involved in the call. The feature operates on a channel-by-channel basis (each 
channel can have a separate identifier).  
If the home VOIP is originating the call, only the  Calling Party field is applicable.  If the 
home VOIP is receiving the call, then the Alerting PartyBusy Party, and Connected Party 
fields are the only applicable fields (and any or all of these could be enabled for a given VOIP 
channel). The status information confirms back to the originator that the home VOIP, is either 
busy, or ringing, or that the intended call has been completed and is currently connected.  
The identifier and status information are made available to the remote VOIP unit and 
appear in the Caller ID field of its Statistics – Call Progress screen. (This is how MultiVOIP 
units handle CNI messages; in other VOIP brands, H.450 may be implemented differently and 
then the message presentation may vary.) 
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